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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 101 - 150 of 1142 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
White Humans - Pioneer FoolsPlays 3/7/2020
Narset Lock Evaros_TTV 3/4/2020
UW Vehicles Chobeslayer 3/2/2020
Sams uw trash Evaros_TTV 3/2/2020
Haktos Superfriends Meryn 2/28/2020
UW Spirits TuesdayTastic 2/28/2020
BW Super Friends Evaros_TTV 2/28/2020
Ojutai Evaros_TTV 2/26/2020
Narset Lock Evaros_TTV 2/25/2020
Mono-White Devotion Luke Strassler SCG Classic Pioneer - Indianapolis - 02/23/2020 5th-8th 2/24/2020
Mono-White Devotion Jameson Perdue SCG Open Pioneer - Indianapolis - 02/23/2020 5th-8th 2/24/2020
Mono-White Devotion Chris Iaali SCG Open Pioneer - Indianapolis - 02/23/2020 5th-8th 2/24/2020
Azorius Control Sean Mogelgaard SCG Open Pioneer - Indianapolis - 02/23/2020 3rd-4th 2/24/2020
Narset Lock Evaros_TTV 2/24/2020
Gideon UW Evaros_TTV 2/23/2020
UW Evaros_TTV 2/23/2020
Sram Auras Kevin Poncelet 2/21/2020
Boros Tokens Nick Prince 2/20/2020
Mono-White Tokens Nick Prince 2/20/2020
Selesnya Tokens Nick Prince 2/20/2020
Benny UW Evaros_TTV 2/19/2020
Azorius Control SHADOW84 MTGO Pioneer PTQ - 02/15/2020 3rd-4th 2/18/2020
Mono-White Devotion yamakiller MTGO Pioneer PTQ - 02/15/2020 5th-8th 2/18/2020
Mono-White Devotion llawtonss MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 02/16/2020 5th-8th 2/18/2020
Orzhov Auras I_DONT_KNOW MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 02/16/2020 1st 2/18/2020
Modern: Gideon's Demonic Pact FluffyWolf 2/18/2020
UW Control Evaros_TTV 2/17/2020
uw approach chibi gohan 2/17/2020
UW Control 2/16/2020 Evaros_TTV 2/16/2020
UW 3.5 Evaros_TTV 2/16/2020
Gideon Menu 2/14/2020
Narset Lock Attempt Evaros_TTV 2/12/2020
UW RiP Thirst Evaros_TTV 2/12/2020
Sram Auras Syvantir 2/11/2020
Azorius Control Paul Moon SCG Team Constructed Open Pioneer - Philadelphia - 02/09/2020 5th-8th 2/10/2020
Jeskai Fires Tim Turner SCG Classic Pioneer - Philadelphia - 02/09/2020 5th-8th 2/10/2020
Azorius Control Robert Seder SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 02/09/2020 2nd 2/10/2020
Esper Control Evaros_TTV 2/9/2020
Esperos Evaros_TTV 2/9/2020
Orzhov Midrange arcto 2/8/2020
Sam UwU Evaros_TTV 2/5/2020
AspiringSpike's UW List Evaros_TTV 2/5/2020
Orzhov Auras ($66) Emma Partlow 2/4/2020
Orzhov Auras Ken Yukuhiro Players Tour Nagoya - 02/02/2020 2nd 2/4/2020
Gideons Fire Evaros_TTV 2/4/2020
Jeskai Walkers Update kooba3 2/4/2020
UW Control Evaros_TTV 2/4/2020
Azorius Control Thomas Shillingburg SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 02/02/2020 3rd-4th 2/3/2020
Azorius Spirits James Harris SCG Classic Pioneer - Richmond - 02/02/2020 5th-8th 2/3/2020
Sram Auras arcto 2/2/2020

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