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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1901 - 1950 of 8158 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Affinity Kjarl MTGO Modern Premier - 7051756 - 5/4/14 1st 5/9/2014
Caw-Blade JRandle MTGO Modern Premier - 7051622 - 5/3/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
Affinity xMiMxWantsPromos MTGO Modern Premier - 7008975 - 4/21/14 2nd 4/29/2014
Affinity Sharengan89 MTGO Modern Premier - 7008934 - 4/20/14 5th-8th 4/29/2014
Affinity __JesseHawkins MTGO Modern Premier - 7008934 - 4/20/14 3rd-4th 4/29/2014
Affinity __JesseHawkins MTGO Modern Premier - 7008898 - 4/19/14 3rd-4th 4/29/2014
nivmagus JAmes72899 4/26/2014
tempo twin tystalin 4/26/2014
Monogreen Infect rageseer (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/14/14 4/24/2014
Mono Green Infect modern reta89 4/23/2014
BWR Burn Mr_Grinch MTGO Modern Premier - 6975295 - 4/14/14 9th-16th 4/23/2014
Master Affinity Sharengan89 MTGO Modern Premier - 6975295 - 4/14/14 9th-16th 4/23/2014
Master Affinity Noaha (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/7/14 4/22/2014
Master Affinity OneStepBehind (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/7/14 4/21/2014
Affinity fl1pster MTGO Modern Premier - 6950600 - 4/6/14 5th-8th 4/21/2014
Monogreen Infect Kaepora MTGO Modern Premier - 6950600 - 4/6/14 5th-8th 4/21/2014
Affinity __Skogre (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/31/14 4/20/2014
4C Delver Puddingtime (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/31/14 4/18/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6922979 - 3/29/14 5th-8th 4/4/2014
Monogreen Infect Midtgaard1989 MTGO Modern Premier - 6922953 - 3/29/14 5th-8th 4/4/2014
Stompy G Pauper Gamaral 3/31/2014
Master Affinity fl1pster (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/17/14 3/30/2014
Master Affinity fl1pster MTGO Modern Premier - 6894836 - 3/23/14 9th-16th 3/28/2014
Anax and Cymede daj123 3/27/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6865626 - 3/16/14 5th-8th 3/24/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6865595 - 3/16/14 9th-16th 3/24/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6834306 - 3/10/14 9th-16th 3/18/2014
Dark Ascension PC #1 ledster 3/18/2014
elemental combo 2 mateo kovacic 3/16/2014
Master Affinity Mikew007 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/13/2014
erayooo slatorade 3/11/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 1st 3/3/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6767335 - 2/23/14 2nd 2/28/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6767326 - 2/22/14 3rd-4th 2/28/2014
Master Affinity Mikew007 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
Mono U Modern aalistor 2/27/2014
Bant BNG aalistor 2/24/2014
Master Affinity xMiMx MTGO Modern Premier - 6737458 - 2/16/14 5th-8th 2/18/2014
Erayo, Curse of Phyrexia Prototaph 1/29/2014
Monoblue Delver mouthbreather1 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/6/14 1/17/2014
Master Affinity Kaziks (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/6/14 1/15/2014
Red Combo Final -ZzoNe- 1/14/2014
Selesnya infect Lemur02 1/1/2014
Delvmantle Mindcrank sirwaldus 12/24/2013
Izzet Aggro testsubject6 12/17/2013
Wall to Wall BROKENgerbil 12/16/2013
tytytytytytytyttyty lordsidro 12/1/2013
Death and Taxes Ben Nash 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 11/24 9th-16th 11/25/2013
Boom Fiend odracir 11/9/2013

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