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Erayo, Curse of Phyrexia

by Prototaph

Format: Modern
Latest Set: Theros
Last Modified On: 1/29/2014
Market Median Low
$165.62 $187.34 $98.56
Market Median Low




Average CMC: 1.4


Erayo has been a pet project of mine for quite some time, but the sparks began to fly with the introduction of Phyrexian mana in New Phyrexia. Essentially free, they felt right to combine with the clause of Erayo to lock down the board. Now, the other side of the coin, a boost in what the deck can do was the release of Nivmagus Elemental. Since you are exiling spells you have already cast, you get both the benefit of counting towards Erayo AND potentially pumping the Elemental. Before you ask, the Plate Mail is a budget replacement for Batterskull. Plain and simple. Happy brewing, folks!

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