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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 601 - 650 of 2686 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UW Tempo Kabootle 8/14/2017
Mono-Blue Grand Architect Ryan Dicristi SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 8/13/17 9th-16th 8/14/2017
Grixis Delver BurkeG 8/14/2017
Ad Nauseam Hylco Worm Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 9th-16th 8/13/2017
Merfolk mis4tune MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/13/2017
U/B Taking Turns Esqpoe MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/12/2017
Grixis Death's Shadow nizam 8/11/2017
Bant Eldrazi Chris Blo 8/10/2017
BUG Shadow Psyroclasm 8/8/2017
Ad Nauseam James Wohlmacher SCG Classic Modern - Syracuse - 8/5/17 9th-16th 8/7/2017
Merfolk Daniel Duffee SCG Open Modern - Syracuse - 8/6/17 3rd-4th 8/6/2017
Ad Nauseam Branden Cline SCG Open Modern - Syracuse - 8/6/17 17th-32nd 8/6/2017
r/u/w cawblade Bob Frank 7/24/2017
Storm Caleb Scherer SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 7/23/17 5th-8th 7/24/2017
Merfolk T_Wrecks MTGO Modern Challenge - 07/15/17 17th-32nd 7/23/2017
Affanity Rjdemon 7/19/2017
grixis death's shadow nizam 7/19/2017
Merfolk Matthew Siener SCG Classic Modern - Cincinnati - 7/16/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Affinity Dylan Fraley SCG Classic Modern - Cincinnati - 7/16/17 3rd-4th 7/17/2017
Grixis Delver Shadow nizam 7/15/2017
UB Tommyriddles 7/13/2017
jeskai cawblade Bob Frank 7/11/2017
STORM Skittlez_P99 7/9/2017
Faerie Aggro Control FeralKing18 7/4/2017
U/B Mill CADYstrophic MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/26-7/2 7/3/2017
U/R Instants Danker MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/19-6/25 6/25/2017
KCI Sporter 6/24/2017
u/b taking turns Jimmy 6/22/2017
U/R Turns Tommyriddles 6/22/2017
U/B Taking Turns Daniel Wong Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017 - Modern 5th-8th 6/20/2017
mono u finchubberz 6/19/2017
Ad Nauseum DaSneakyPete MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/12-6/18 6/19/2017
W/U Flash Convery MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/15/2017
Ad Nauseum mashmalovsky MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/12-6/18 6/14/2017
Affinity 1310HaZzZaRd MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/12-6/18 6/14/2017
93/94 Stasis Prison Denni$ Maddox 6/14/2017
Merfolk dpndrgst 6/14/2017
Merfolk Pandabeast24 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/11/2017
Budget Grand Architect Aggro soccertuba13 6/4/2017
Grixis Faeries Tommyriddles 6/3/2017
Ad Naseum Parocke 5/31/2017
Ad Nauseum ruckus-mh MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/30/2017
Ad Nauseam TooMuchTooSoon 5/30/2017
U/R Storm Robert Tankin 2017 SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 5/28 5th-8th 5/30/2017
Ad Nauseam Tomoya Tsubouchi 2017 Grand Prix Kobe 5th-8th 5/28/2017
Storm Aira- MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/22-5/28 5/28/2017
Mono Blue Delver TCG Tower 5/26/2017
Storm Caleb Scherer 2017 SCG Louisville Team Open - Legacy 9th-16th 5/23/2017
Omni-tell Arthur Fusco 2017 SCG Louisville Team Open - Legacy 5th-8th 5/22/2017
Ad Nauseam Nicholas Byrd 2017 SCG Louisville Team Open - Modern 3rd-4th 5/22/2017

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