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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 566 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elves EDH SSAASS 1/14/2015
Ezuri Elves distanthamster 11/15/2014
elven edh mac9891 11/12/2014
Eldrazi Elves epicjuicebox 10/26/2014
Ezuri blackflame43 9/29/2014
Ezuri, Renegade Leader LtEntropy 9/22/2014
Elves LightningXIII 7/21/2014
nath insanitus 7/16/2014
Starter elves bleisle 6/9/2014
Rhys EDH sekai2kokoro 6/5/2014
Elves (Casual) FlappyFish 4/6/2014
Elf EDH Hostilepinata 4/5/2014
Ezuri EDH rajicon 12/20/2013
Elves blizzardstar 12/10/2013
Glissa Commander mxzf 12/1/2013
Nate Elves mighty_tuna 12/1/2013
Rhys the Redeemed Gilly7691 12/1/2013
BG Casual Omnath infinitemana 11/29/2013
Budget EDH cgreenmagic 11/16/2013
Elf EDH cgreenmagic 11/16/2013
Elfing Crazy Corey1080 10/21/2013
Elves gauss42 9/22/2013
elf overrun generalraam910 9/19/2013
Warriors Come Out to Play JabbaTheFunk 9/11/2013
Mono Green Elves Jonathan Lima 9/5/2013
elf 2 atropos 8/24/2013
Elvish Army bleisle 8/11/2013
beefy neck elf sushirollss 7/29/2013
Elf Needs boneclub24 7/26/2013
Elves Boilermaker329 7/23/2013
Yeva sk8erbob 7/23/2013
Ezuri10 macimumloam 7/21/2013
Legacy Elf Stompy Rareform 7/19/2013
Aggro/Elf :D ZamoraX 7/5/2013
Aggro/Elf ZamoraX 7/5/2013
Archer death Galorif 6/30/2013
Elvish Wolves havefun 6/27/2013
Nath EDH HommieGuy 6/25/2013
Ezuri, Renegade Leader cjmatos 6/13/2013
Modern Elves sharkdude 6/10/2013
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf Miles123 6/9/2013
Green party cateran 6/9/2013
Elf Discard sang 6/6/2013
Edh Elves Cwalkith666 5/31/2013
elf mana ramp EDH Roadkill 5/30/2013
Token Elves ElfWeapon 5/30/2013
Elven Uprising basil7 5/14/2013
Budger Ezuri EDH pickle539 5/9/2013
It's Elvish Time ash_202457 5/2/2013
Modern elves Warblgarbl 4/30/2013

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