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Search Results for Magic Decks by cateran

Viewing 1 - 50 of 100 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Casual rats cateran 7/15/2016
casual mod vamps cateran 7/14/2016
w/r standard cateran 6/5/2016
aggro w/g cateran 5/8/2016
b/u splinterfright cateran 4/21/2016
mardu midrange (jundish) cateran 4/20/2016
Modern B/R Jenna cateran 4/6/2016
STADARD DELIRUM cateran 3/31/2016
grixis tempo cateran 2/16/2016
unburial gifts cateran 1/17/2016
Abzan cateran 10/28/2015
soul sister of Kytheon cateran 10/25/2015
Drana Exava cateran 10/25/2015
B splash modern devotion cateran 9/9/2015
desolation angel cateran 9/1/2015
Updated affinity cateran 8/17/2015
phyrexian rock cateran 8/7/2015
prophetic shamans 2.0 cateran 8/7/2015
prophetic legacy cateran 8/7/2015
Zack Mono Red artifacts cateran 8/5/2015
modern dru cateran 5/26/2015
g/w ramp and life cateran 5/25/2015
raven guild cateran 5/24/2015
Mirri's wild call cateran 5/8/2015
14 land stompy cateran 4/12/2015
Causal W/G Dru/Zack cateran 4/12/2015
dredge fright cateran 11/27/2014
B/R haakon cateran 10/20/2014
Timur modern cateran 10/11/2014
simic landfall cateran 10/11/2014
B/W Athreos Aggro cateran 10/1/2014
old school green red cateran 8/1/2014
modern r/w pyrohemia cateran 7/19/2014
pushing Athreos cateran 5/14/2014
Modern Land Destruction cateran 5/6/2014
Athreos Mod Aggro/Control cateran 4/22/2014
I won FNM with this cateran 4/2/2014
R/B standard cateran 3/31/2014
Dimir Tempo cateran 2/7/2014
Modern B/W Please Comment cateran 2/2/2014
Oath cateran 1/26/2014
Bant enchant cateran 1/22/2014
Demon Black Commander cateran 1/17/2014
legacy ramp cateran 1/15/2014
green land drop cateran 1/8/2014
double mill cateran 12/31/2013
Grixis Zombies cateran 12/13/2013
Teferi edh cateran 11/30/2013
W/R godo cateran 11/2/2013
r/g aggro mod cateran 10/31/2013

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