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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6051 - 6100 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
4C Peddler robotbc (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/3/12 12/10/2012
Jund Midrange nickles 12/10/2012
Naya midrange Racou2 12/10/2012
Lukes Cards lukabaduka 12/9/2012
Maelstrom Wanderer Speculator8 12/9/2012
R/W Speed Cappnslamy 12/9/2012
MTG- Standard Deck Tech: amak80 12/9/2012
GBR Aggro Nisroc 12/9/2012
calamity chuckles7 12/9/2012
RUG midrange magicben1210 12/8/2012
Humans fireblade1357 12/8/2012
1st at fnm dec 7th Jabobtik 12/8/2012
4 Colour Midrange GMRslyer 12/7/2012
Werewolves Teamkill 12/7/2012
Naya Humans theyorkdork 12/7/2012
B/G Werewolves Ropesnake 12/7/2012
Boros Humans Zarkophy 12/7/2012
Bant Control Reed Hartman Standard Platinum TCQ - Niles, IL - 11/25/12 2nd 12/6/2012
Jund Midrange Robert Pompa Standard Platinum TCQ - Brooklyn, NY - 11/25/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
Animar EDH Tav 12/6/2012
James Bond V2.0 Jahhhhhvie 12/6/2012
Jund Midrange Haon 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange eilesstyles MTGO Standard Premier - 12/3/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
4C Superfriends Endgin28 MTGO Standard Premier - 12/2/12 5th-8th 12/6/2012
Karrthus edh darkbro66 12/6/2012
5C Control DaDawson MTGO Standard Premier - 12/2/12 2nd 12/6/2012
Jund Midrange saitology MTGO Standard Premier - 4669768 - 12/1/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
Bant Control _NovA_ MTGO Standard Premier - 4669768 - 12/1/12 2nd 12/6/2012
Jund Midrange Orion12321 MTGO Standard Premier - 4669747 - 12/1/12 5th-8th 12/6/2012
4C Peddler cjlack92 MTGO Standard Premier - 4669747 - 12/1/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
Bant Control syrup16g MTGO Standard Premier - 4669747 - 12/1/12 1st 12/6/2012
4C Rites TonyMontana (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
Naya(WIP) Les.Classic 12/6/2012
4C Midrange AtogAtog10 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange SHO7GUN (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
5C Control The_Co (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
4C Midrange lewlaskin (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange Kaies MTGO Standard Premier - 4633457 - 11/25/12 5th-8th 12/6/2012
Jund Midrange tomy_vercety MTGO Standard Premier - 4633457 - 11/25/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
Bant Control _NovA_ MTGO Standard Premier - 4633457 - 11/25/12 2nd 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange nunca MTGO Standard Premier - 4633457 - 11/25/12 1st 12/6/2012
4C Midrange OneStepBehind MTGO Standard Premier - 4633436 - 11/25/12 5th-8th 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange koumu MTGO Standard Premier - 4633436 - 11/25/12 3rd-4th 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange Kaies MTGO Standard Premier - 4633436 - 11/25/12 1st 12/6/2012
RG Wolves XSin 12/6/2012
Naya Midrange Jabobtik 12/6/2012
wtfisthis Japajew 12/6/2012
Value City hockeyfan116 12/6/2012
werewolves Gbwiz 12/5/2012
human tokens Gbwiz 12/5/2012

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