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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7751 - 7800 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Orzhov Ghostway Blackhawk23x 5/29/2015
Aggro Loam syntaxr 5/29/2015
Orzhov Persist Blackhawk23x 5/28/2015
Cat Tokens joshfred21 5/27/2015
Karador Doki7518 5/26/2015
Naya Collected Company Cheng Gong 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Worcester - 5/24 5th-8th 5/26/2015
Naya Collected Company David Lin 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Worcester - 5/24 9th-16th 5/25/2015
$50 Iroas Befuddlement 5/25/2015
Naya Aggro mydoorisajar (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/11/15 5/21/2015
Abzan Collected Company meadhallfan (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/4/15 5/21/2015
Geist and Friends warwolf831 5/21/2015
Soul Sisters Kohl Hoover MaxPoint Silver - Legendary Games - 5/17/15 5th-8th 5/20/2015
Mono White Midrange Blackhawk23x 5/19/2015
Descent of the Persistent elementalheroflamewingman 5/17/2015
KNIGHTS 3.0 bigchuck 5/16/2015
Maverick Olaf Forkbeard 5/16/2015
Cromat oakmclovin 5/15/2015
Esper Control Chakra13 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/27/15 5/15/2015
Naya Aggro Flako (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/27/15 5/15/2015
UW Control blusideoflife (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/20/15 5/13/2015
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun duanejelkins 5/13/2015
Ol' Karador WriterofWrong 5/13/2015
GoST Tiny Leaders rayanami 5/13/2015
Dragonlord Dromoka greyfess 5/13/2015
Big Naya laineithman 5/11/2015
Junk heroes madwilly 5/9/2015
Roon of the hidden realm chms220 5/9/2015
Goat Casual gatherto 5/9/2015
Naya Collected Company MisterT1980 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/13/15 5/5/2015
Wilted Abzan Kazz Tamura 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Portland - 5/3 9th-16th 5/4/2015
mm15spoiled rodr3 5/3/2015
Brago DraconicGaul 5/1/2015
GW Vial Knights laineithman 4/30/2015
White/Black MP blueballs 4/29/2015
Abzan Stoneblade JAmes72899 4/28/2015
GW Summoning Trap Nicholas Montaquila 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Cleveland - 4/26 3rd-4th 4/27/2015
Knights of the Blood Oath laineithman 4/27/2015
Collected Junk flankmecaptain 4/25/2015
Rafiq of the Many Beats LtRawks 4/24/2015
MonoW Kithkin idontkonow 4/23/2015
BW Tokens w/ Proxies featherwind 4/23/2015
extort's end* shino353 4/20/2015
BW Token wolfvf 4/19/2015
Athreos voidant 4/18/2015
walkers revwonderpimp 4/17/2015
BW Vial Knights laineithman 4/16/2015
Domain Zoo Vern Dreyer 2015 Modern State Championships - Delaware 1st 4/15/2015
Naya Aggro Dan O'hara 2015 Modern State Championships - Wyoming 5th-8th 4/13/2015
Mardu Control Help? Scottlingley 4/13/2015
Exalted tenkuken 4/13/2015

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