ive been trying to brew a good ghostway deck recently because i think that card has a lot of potential. what i found is that while i would generate a ton of value with it i wasnt actually able to close out a game against combo fast enough with the amount of disruption i had. so i ended up deciding black would be the best option for a splash from mono white. the black splash gives us a whole new way to play the deck. having an instant speed sacrifice outlet lets us abuse the heck out of flickerwisp and are already good with anafenze, and kitchen finks both of which are good in ghostway. from there i added tidehallow sculler who could also be sacced to perma discard something if needed. he gives us more disruption and helps us tempo people out or deny cards throughout the game. knight of the pale orchid can fetch godless shrine for us which helps make the splash smoother and allows us to play emeria, the sky ruin. i think the deck has what it takes to compete with the top decks and is fun to play. what do you guys think? card choices? mana base?