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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 951 - 1000 of 8150 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bant Tokens Tuxedo_Jackson 5/28/2014
Junk Midrange SmokexBeer (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/28/2014
God-Fearing Humans Kyte Midnight 5/28/2014
junk aristocrats JAmes72899 5/27/2014
ff paulprez 5/25/2014
Team Italia 999123 5/25/2014
RWB Midrange DethMetalGimli 5/24/2014
roon flicker abuse gakpad 5/22/2014
Teysa 1v1 CMDR Xingact 5/22/2014
Junk Humans Brometheus 5/22/2014
Event Deck arkhampatient 5/21/2014
Zoo Entity79 5/20/2014
Modern Event Deck SKW 5/20/2014
BW Control Adam Yurchick 5/20/2014
Naya Aggro Adam Yurchick 5/20/2014
Ready, Aim . . . NAYA! Puresteel 5/19/2014
Gadda Win FedeBlue 5/19/2014
12 chillpill9623 5/18/2014
GW Aggro elementalheroflamewingman 5/18/2014
RW Aggro Ryuho121 5/16/2014
GW Tokens SWTemplar 5/16/2014
GW Aggro whiterknight (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/5/14 5/15/2014
Modern Event Deck B/W Tok Phoenixx101 5/14/2014
Rafiq of the Mmany thephife 5/14/2014
Modern Event Deck globeadue 5/14/2014
modern event deck greyfess 5/13/2014
BW tokens Doki7518 5/13/2014
lol mm madwilly 5/12/2014
March of the Multitudes Modern Event Deck 5/12/2014
White Stuff MrBaker 5/12/2014
Modern RWU Control PunkKnuckles 5/8/2014
Geist Counter Tron cert 5/6/2014
Azorius Control OompaLoompa MTGO Modern Premier - 7035672 - 4/28/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
BW Control pelli MTGO Modern Premier - 7035672 - 4/28/14 3rd-4th 5/6/2014
Azorius Control OompaLoompa MTGO Modern Premier - 7035631 - 4/27/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
Walkers Mwright 5/6/2014
Duel- Loïc's Marath Hikaoru 5/6/2014
Caw-Blade JRandle MTGO Modern Premier - 7051622 - 5/3/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
Azorius Midrange martindoming 5/4/2014
University of Esper AngelOfElysium 5/1/2014
Soldiers MrZizzles 4/30/2014
Azorius Control chaba_lol (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/21/14 4/29/2014
Azorius Midrange Shorty30 MTGO Modern Premier - 7008975 - 4/21/14 9th-16th 4/29/2014
BW Control pelli MTGO Modern Premier - 7008965 - 4/20/14 9th-16th 4/29/2014
Extort EDH Generalian 4/28/2014
Derevi, Tapout samp333 4/27/2014
Modern Soul Sisters That 4/26/2014
soldiers greyfess 4/24/2014
American Superfriendsss fatboyslimboy 4/23/2014
U/W Delver Surfkatt 4/23/2014

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