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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 951 - 1000 of 2216 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Kiki-Chord hotshot_162 MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/03/17 9th-16th 9/4/2017
Lantern Control OlleR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/28-9/3 9/4/2017
Naya Company Artem_Kuhtin MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/28-9/3 8/31/2017
Naya Kiki-Chord Lonestar16 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/28-9/3 8/31/2017
Lantern Control kanister MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/28-9/3 8/30/2017
Free Win Red C_FeeFee 8/21/2017
Kiki Evolution Mig 8/16/2017
Kiki Chord Amand Dosimont Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 17th-32nd 8/13/2017
Lantern Control Piotr Glogowski Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 5th-8th 8/13/2017
Kiki-Chord Latnem MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/12/2017
Kiki-Chord Kurusu MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/12/2017
G/W Chord Brosterman MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/8/2017
Naya Company zerodahero MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/8/2017
Bant Company Konsti MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/6/2017
Pyro Prison Caligula 8/5/2017
Mono-Red Control Ryan Gnieski SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 7/22/17 17th-32nd 7/24/2017
WR Prison John Pellman SCG Classic Modern - Roanoke - 7/2/17 9th-16th 7/4/2017
Lantern Control Adrian Sullivan SCG Invitational Modern - 6/30/17 5th-8th 7/3/2017
RG Ponza Breams 7/2/2017
kaalia of the vast Superluke1 6/30/2017
R/G Company ValueCity MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 6/5/2017
Vizier-Druid Combo Brian Braun-Duin 6/1/2017
Marath Call1Me1Dragon 6/1/2017
PyroPrison Caligula 5/31/2017
G/W Company CrisaoSilva MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017
Four-Color Company Kenta Masukado 2017 Grand Prix Kobe 9th-16th 5/30/2017
G/W Company zeno1865 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/22-5/28 5/28/2017
Naya Company Tedpanic MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/22-5/28 5/28/2017
Naya Company kado222 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/22-5/28 5/28/2017
Death and Taxes Bahra 5/25/2017
Prison ReinardBR 5/25/2017
Counters Company Andy Roop SCG Classic Modern - Louisville - 5/21/17 3rd-4th 5/23/2017
Mono-Red Sneak Attack Kasey Walton 2017 SCG Louisville Team Open - Legacy 3rd-4th 5/22/2017
Four-Color Copy Cat DoogieH MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1-5/7 5/7/2017
Kiki-Chord Logan Pressley SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Madcap 8-Moon Corbin Hosler 5/1/2017
Pyroprison Caligula 4/24/2017
The Hammer's Slammer Caligula 4/23/2017
Death and Taxes Eetai Ben-sasson SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 9th-16th 4/10/2017
Mono-Red Sneak Attack Nathaniel Red SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 3rd-4th 4/10/2017
Free Win Red Jeffrey Howard 2017 TCGplayer States - SC 3rd-4th 3/23/2017
Skred Red Josh Crowe SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 3/12/17 9th-16th 3/15/2017
Kiki Chord Daniel Lanziero 2017 TCGplayer States - CT 3rd-4th 3/7/2017
Blue-Red Delver Marcus Wallace 2017 TCGplayer States - HI 3rd-4th 3/7/2017
boros partners hellukyo 3/1/2017
Gruul Scales Hellgrammite00 2/16/2017
Naya Company Tanner Cruse 2/16/2017
The Professor's Modern RDW - Budget Sporter 2/15/2017
CUBE greymedium 2/14/2017
Elves J0hannes0n 1/30/2017

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