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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1751 - 1800 of 5057 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Budget Judith, the Scourge Diva - EDH/Commander PING Budget MTG Decks 2/16/2019
l Magyar 2/15/2019
Kestia Magyar 2/14/2019
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 2/14/2019
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 2/13/2019
Y'All Daretti for this TheJug 2/11/2019
Shireis legion Grantdykema 2/9/2019
Shirei buy list Jefferham 2/8/2019
Persistent Petitioners Tribal-Mill-Chantment JumboCommander 2/7/2019
Ayli / Teysa Control/Lifegain Lilac Feydrin 2/7/2019
Flesh League Flesh 2/6/2019
U/B Delver Lyle Rolfes SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 02/03/2019 3rd-4th 2/4/2019
Taxes redone Whitewolf 2/1/2019
Zacama Budget Jefferham 2/1/2019
Dredge kanister 1/29/2019
Avengers Siridius 1/26/2019
Lifegain Pauper duc 1/26/2019
Aurelia, the Warleader EDH Schmegeggii 1/25/2019
SkullBriar Budget IGwinn 1/24/2019
Krond, Super Budget bv310 1/23/2019
Simic idea Themcbc 1/22/2019
Uril Enchantment Value Beatdown iPLAYedhFORfun 1/20/2019
jordan wants asdf 1/19/2019
Estreme Sportz TheIncredibleTaako 1/16/2019
BR Reanimator Blake Demers SCG Classic Legacy - Worcester - 01/12/2019 9th-16th 1/14/2019
aewr Hamroids 1/13/2019
Tuvasa Enchantress ItsSalem 1/11/2019
Grenzo Budget Fun ($25) steelcoast 1/10/2019
Uril Mean Business Pluvian 1/10/2019
Reanimator Phoenix Kazuki Sugahara 1/10/2019
first commander deck tuvasa tron card draw 1st near final DrGobbs 1/9/2019
Seeb1 Frank The Tank 1/9/2019
c Magyar 1/9/2019
Rhys / Elves EDH Themcbc 1/8/2019
Auras? Dustyfilan 1/8/2019
Budget Pillow Fort Dyler 1/8/2019
Balan Smash Bebegolo 1/7/2019
Jund Reanimator Jonathan Saucier SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 01/06/2019 5th-8th 1/7/2019
Sen Triplets | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 1/5/2019
Sen Triplets | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 1/4/2019
Enchantment Aggro (Kestia) Magyar 1/2/2019
Enchantment Aggro (Kestia) Magyar 1/1/2019
Budget Selvala, Explorer Returned Bork Bork 1/1/2019
Uril, the Miststalker edh ryllo 12/31/2018
Rhonas That Dude Over There 12/31/2018
Kozilek EDH ALeftyConfidant 12/30/2018
Jaya Ballard, Task Mage EDH Garret Nox 12/28/2018
Bantchantment WOLFIRSILVERHEART 12/21/2018
Defender RegDoge 12/20/2018
25 budget commander veRYANgry 12/20/2018

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