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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2351 - 2400 of 5475 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Merfolk Draw Deck CriticalMethods 3/21/2018
Sneksplore Warlord Hank 3/20/2018
G/U Merfolk luxhunter MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/19 - 3/25 3/20/2018
R/G Monsters chrolony MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/19 - 3/25 3/20/2018
G/W Explore Ringo__ MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/19 - 3/25 3/20/2018
Mono-Green Monument yonn316 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/19 - 3/25 3/20/2018
U/B/G Explore - Budget dependentbum 3/19/2018
Animar Morph {EDH} SithDragon33 3/18/2018
Mono-Green Midrange Uniq MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/17/2018
Mono-Green Monument oosunq MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/17/2018
U/G Fishies SmallCave 3/16/2018
R/G Aggro Ciottix MTGO Standard PTQ - 3/11/2018 17th-32nd 3/15/2018
Opposition Spawn592002 3/15/2018
U/G Merfolk tetomo MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
Temur Energy chris_kirklen MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
R/G Dinosaurs Voltzwagon MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
B/G Constrictor fibero23 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
R/G Monsters Sadderday MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
R/G Monsters Lumi2 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/12 - 3/18 3/13/2018
Merfolk Beaker 3/13/2018
G/W Tokens Tealcerando MTGO Standard PTQ - 3/11/2018 5th-8th 3/12/2018
G/W Tokens lighdar MTGO Standard PTQ - 3/11/2018 1st 3/12/2018
U/G Merfolk Tempo Jace_Ward 3/12/2018
Naya Monsters Clayton Wickline SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 3/11/2018 9th-16th 3/12/2018
G/R Aggro Mark Vasquez SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 3/11/2018 9th-16th 3/12/2018
G/W Tokens Will Craddock SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 3/11/2018 9th-16th 3/12/2018
UG Merfolf dubowman 3/11/2018
Penny Commander Sygg Trinite 3/10/2018
R/G Monsters Tyler Schroeder Grand Prix Memphis 2018 1st 3/9/2018
B/G Constrictor fibero23 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
G/W Midrange termidor MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
G/U Merfolk Bertram MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
G/W Tokens Siteburner MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
R/G Monsters hzk MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
G/B Constrictor Pasiu MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/7/2018
G/W Tokens _Cygnus MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/7/2018
G/W Midrange kriswithak MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/7/2018
R/G Monsters triggertrigger MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/6/2018
G/U Merfolk Kojederushka MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/6/2018
R/G Monsters KristianMijares MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/6/2018
UG Merfolk (MTGA) Serhio6666 3/5/2018
Naya Midrange urlich00 Standard MOCS - 3/3/18 9th-16th 3/4/2018
merfolk selon ludo XeeroD 3/4/2018
Sultai Tempo Sad Panda 187 3/4/2018
Naya Midrange GYBA MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/4/2018
G/W Tokens Ins0mn1q MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/4/2018
Jund Explore (MTGA) Serhio6666 3/3/2018
G/U Merfolk tetomo MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/2/2018
B/G Constrictor Paanika MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/2/2018
R/G Monsters Doomslayin MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/2/2018

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