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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1601 - 1650 of 2570 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
5 color Surge Wstechnician 2/3/2013
Urza's Legacy (Karn EDH) SonofSethoitae 2/1/2013
Group Hug Copycat devbot2 1/31/2013
5 color walkers AmbientCrepes 1/29/2013
Experiment Kraj edais 1/29/2013
Spore hanyou 1/28/2013
EDH Rejects cirque-it 1/28/2013
Skeleton Ship proliferate psilonyx 1/28/2013
Bosh Brawl (Needs cuts) psilonyx 1/27/2013
Bruna, Light of Alabaster psilonyx 1/27/2013
venser control AmbientCrepes 1/27/2013
Demonic Taskmaster CrabFraggers 1/26/2013
Shadow of the Hegemon delpheki 1/26/2013
Riku Wizard Tech v1 hellbound1345 1/23/2013
Sharuum the Hegemon caboose249 1/22/2013
Dark Recurring Nightmare lasd90 1/20/2013
Eldrazi Tron boros ewok 1/20/2013
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Shinikaji 1/13/2013
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur ubermensch1933 1/12/2013
Black Discard Control Paradoxshadows 1/11/2013
Maverick suggestions ButtFace 1/11/2013
Teferi Mono Blue Caronbot 1/9/2013
Glissa, French Banlist Venoseth 1/9/2013
Sedris Control ChesterCheetah 1/7/2013
Thiefing Mob444 1/6/2013
EDH Sharrum v2.0 johnny_boy113 1/6/2013
EDH Sharrum v2 johnny_boy113 1/6/2013
EDH Sharrum johnny_boy113 1/6/2013
Mono Black Pox Control buughost 1/2/2013
draft practice JIAM 12/30/2012
matcubeDec2012 mathieuarts 12/29/2012
mathCube2012 mathieuarts 12/28/2012
Arcum's Machinations raziellok79 12/27/2012
Reaper King captainfreddy 12/22/2012
Planeswalker Proliferate magus7000 12/22/2012
The mimeoplasm Amaterasu 12/22/2012
asdfasdf fatboyslimboy 12/22/2012
Eddies Cards fatboyslimboy 12/22/2012
Azusa Sklep_Gryf 12/20/2012
Memnarch EDH SON lxlshadelxl 12/20/2012
Karn's Machines bionitech 12/19/2012
Wort EDH loilakian 12/17/2012
Skithiry, The Blight difnicolas 12/17/2012
Power MTGO 540 Cube akatz__ 12/16/2012
5 Color Walker Control Sharp875 12/16/2012
The Mimeoplasm captainfreddy 12/13/2012
Skithiryx dansone 12/12/2012
Arbiter Flipping Tables Frozencajun 12/11/2012
Allesammen Sjekketing 12/11/2012
Joacims Sjekketing 12/11/2012

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