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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2501 - 2550 of 2570 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
play tested re-animator sport_unit 9/17/2007
2 headed blue duke owns38 6/22/2007
Pure Blue Control kazbar 6/19/2007
ElderDragonHighlander royalfishness 5/23/2007
Landstill Teferi. 5/17/2007
Phyrexia Potonce Ravana 5/5/2007
Zombie Crush MantisNight 3/18/2007
U/B reanimator Lord Winter 11/12/2006
Lands Attack Dr. Deckstein 10/26/2006
Blackblood Cost Goldlabel 6/9/2006
Landstill Home Brew pmeader 5/16/2006
Discard drain whatever1254 4/4/2006
mono black damike76 3/29/2006
Bungo Black Control foley4201 3/21/2006
UW Landstill duke owns38 2/6/2006
Primieval Reanimator Icy 1/26/2006
Ponza Rotta Red Jake Welsh 1/4/2006
U/W Control kabal 12/27/2005
Trixx Reloaded Aernil 12/23/2005
UW Control Nicolas Francois 2005 Grand Prix Lille, France 5th-8th 12/18/2005
SpicedUpBlueControl EternalBlue 12/18/2005
Tramatized Echos crai0107 12/8/2005
best damn mono black Ryan_Baker_03 12/5/2005
Quality Control mike123 11/21/2005
Frenetic Control Chris Otwell 11/14/2005
the uncastables tarzan_cstone 9/16/2005
Landstill Jedadiah Killough 2005 Local Louisville, KY 5th-8th 9/15/2005
superdisk zer0k 9/14/2005
Necropotence Leon Lindback 8/30/2005
Landstill Kyle Boggemes 2005 Legacy Champs Indianapolis, IN 5th-8th 8/29/2005
Blue-red Landstill Raymond Robilland 2005 Legacy Champs Indianapolis, IN 5th-8th 8/29/2005
Landstill Zvi Mowshowitz 2005 Legacy Champs Indianapolis, IN 3rd-4th 8/29/2005
U/W Landstill CelestialChild 5/13/2005
Rainbow Stairwell Three Timmy Shane 4/20/2005
highlander 5c MoshiMaro 4/3/2005
Burn em all roger82 3/24/2005
flaming kobolds maru 3/20/2005
sui black dargo6998 3/14/2005
Burn maru 3/6/2005
Stasis crono2050 3/4/2005
-MBC- suffocation 12/30/2004
Ass Whuppin Lynch Mob Team Houston 11/9/2004
in the palm of my hand thom0k 10/24/2004
Draw-Go Dan Garfield 9/13/2004
Jessica's Huge Deck Benjimaru 9/1/2004
Zomboid Benjimaru 8/30/2004
Demon control ragereaver 8/27/2004
Landstill Altan 8/23/2004
piper screams off-color phat_sob 8/18/2004
Mass D Kicks Your Face In smud 8/17/2004

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