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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 46 of 46 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Rakdos muscle Electriccrabz 8/12/2024
Hedron Alignment budget TheGodDragon 3/24/2019
Lorwyn cube dooley 5/2/2018
Living End nielsen333 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/15/15 7/10/2015
Void Coil 2 (Budget) FieryArtificer 2/18/2015
paysment floaty162 3/6/2014
5C Elementals – Modern Ninjay 11/23/2013
er 911tree 11/1/2012
EDH Karador 2.0 filioo 9/29/2012
Horde of Notions EDH malyd 1/8/2012
Modern End King Xanadu 9/23/2011
Horde of Notions EDH kaifeiyu 6/18/2011
Casual WUBRG Elemental bahamut0ne 3/16/2011
Horde of Notions EDH dellskch 2/27/2011
Savra, Queen of Sacrifice lugia295622 1/11/2011
5C Elemntal Evoke MP deck Participleish 12/14/2010
mostarda Gui123 7/26/2009
Mono Black Control Philip Böhm 2009 GPT Hannover - Frankfurt, Germany 2nd 3/9/2009
Elemental Evoke Terraform 2/27/2009
G/b Elves Brian Fouts 2008 State Champs - California 5th-8th 11/12/2008
StormEntity TipeII 9/7/2008
Elemental general_varchild 8/13/2008
Beefsteal Gyro 7/29/2008
mannequin PrimEvil 6/8/2008
Not Quite Survival Teferi. 5/25/2008
BDW....really seig 5/6/2008
Mono B Rogues (block) psientologist 5/5/2008
block elementals crovaxcurse 4/12/2008
RedRum Xpress AMVmaker22 4/12/2008
FlashHulk stormstompy 4/7/2008
Soul Train Raynman 4/6/2008
EKO ckophantom 4/3/2008
BR Deepfire lorddarkhan 4/3/2008
Huskpact thehouse 3/31/2008
G/B Elf Pump/Overrun jayrider81 3/28/2008
G/B mana ramp tombeith 3/26/2008
Doran Tyler Mantey 2008 Grand Prix Philadelphia, PA 3rd-4th 3/17/2008
Elemental Rage tony28 3/15/2008
G/B Warriors Swing 3/15/2008
Rogue/Goblins Ryadic 3/13/2008
Doran Rock-y! Rock-y! Falkor 3/12/2008
Phage The Mighty masatyyn 2/11/2008
Doran crayongirl23 2/4/2008
Primal Elements vII ohako79 1/30/2008
Mono B Rogues iplaymadness 1/23/2008
Elementality theamazingshagstaman 10/31/2007

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