with the addition of vexing shusher into the sideboard it give you an even more amazing match-up against u b faries. doran and u b faries is what ive been playtesting against alomg with r g mana ramp. with reflecting pool and the new filter lands to replace the k-forest and shivan reef. it makes the deck incredibly more fluid for the double colors casting cost. however, you have incandecent soulstoke. soulstoke + spectral force or spite bellows or cloudthresher are bad for the opponent. makeshift works like it should in this deck. amazingly. it will change witht he addition of more elementals. i will re-post a new list once shadowmoore is released!
its fun to play, it won me fnm last night too. elves is a sucky match-up, but if you can start droppin the fat you will win. the colors are so diverse i was able to work past snow-control both games. sunflare shaman is amazing if it ever gose late game.