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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 524 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Yorion Fires Evaros_TTV 8/19/2020
Esper Yorion Faulic 8/19/2020
Esper Control billsive 8/19/2020
Esper Walkers marolanzi MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/16/2020 3rd-4th 8/18/2020
Esper Control (Yorion) Rav104 MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/15/2020 5th-8th 8/17/2020
Esper Control (Yorion) billsive MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/15/2020 3rd-4th 8/17/2020
Jeskai Fae Fires Evaros_TTV 8/15/2020
Jeskai Yorion Terror SBMTGDev 8/15/2020
Mono Blue Devotion Meryn 8/15/2020
Brago, King Eternal | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 8/14/2020
Brago, King Eternal - Upgraded | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 8/14/2020
Brago, King Eternal | CQ Early CQ Early Access 8/14/2020
Brago, King Eternal - Upgraded | CQ Early CQ Early Access 8/14/2020
DEEEEEP MEME Evaros_TTV 8/14/2020
Bant Ramp (Yorion) kanister MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/08/2020 3rd-4th 8/11/2020
Yorion Blink Beard 8/7/2020
Jeskai Terror Tilt-a-whirl 8/4/2020
Azorious Control AliasV 7/31/2020
Miracles Dono List Evaros_TTV 7/30/2020
Brago, King Eternal - EDH Tracebot21 7/28/2020
Azorius Control Raphael Levy Players Tour Finals - 07/25/2020 5th-8th 7/28/2020
Esper Control _VFS_ MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/26/2020 3rd-4th 7/28/2020
Azorius Control Lennny MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/26/2020 5th-8th 7/28/2020
Azorius Control Venom1 MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/26/2020 2nd 7/28/2020
Azorius Control POYO_DEL_MAL MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/25/2020 5th-8th 7/28/2020
Azorius Control marolanzi MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/25/2020 2nd 7/28/2020
Pauper Cube NekoBlue 7/28/2020
Azorius Control Daniel_Garcia MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/18/2020 1st 7/22/2020
list NekoBlue 7/21/2020
Yorion UW Dono List Evaros_TTV 7/19/2020
UW Control lenzinho 7/18/2020
Stealing Stuff Deegee 7/16/2020
dsadsa dsa 7/16/2020
Yuriko Top deck Toolebiey 7/16/2020
Spell Slinger RunAndGun4TW 7/15/2020
yuriko ninjas Electriccrabz 7/14/2020
Esper Control (Yorion) Xwhale MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/11/2020 5th-8th 7/13/2020
idk bwaden 7/11/2020
Jeskai Lukka (Yorion) BlackMase 7/11/2020
Enchantment Mill yangerdanger27 7/11/2020
Ultra Mill Kalliste 7/8/2020
Azorius Control (Yorion) Daniel_Garcia MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/05/2020 5th-8th 7/7/2020
Azorius Control GODENNISON MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/05/2020 5th-8th 7/7/2020
Azorius Control (Yorion) POYO_DEL_MAL MTGO Standard Challenge - 07/04/2020 5th-8th 7/6/2020
Miracles Evaros_TTV 7/2/2020
Bant Ramp (Yorion) McWinSauce MTGO Standard Challenge - 06/28/2020 5th-8th 7/2/2020
Azorius Control (Yorion) POYO_DEL_MAL MTGO Standard Challenge - 06/28/2020 5th-8th 7/2/2020
Azorius Control marolanzi MTGO Standard Challenge - 06/28/2020 5th-8th 7/2/2020
Jeskai Fires Evaros_TTV 7/2/2020
Most recent pauper Ikoria ruesifus 7/1/2020

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