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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 401 - 450 of 864 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mighty Quinn Comments! nabbydian 11/13/2010
EDH Ch1n0mar1n0 11/11/2010
Tendrils Derek Brown 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Boston 9th-16th 11/8/2010
The Mighty Quinn phonsc 11/4/2010
Lock N Key Codyxcore 10/29/2010
Thopter tarred 10/26/2010
Zur EDH blademast329 10/23/2010
WelderAggroControl fellefexx 10/22/2010
Stick on a Bridge Chase 10/18/2010
ESPER EDH philoshow 10/16/2010
Monguer vitorssz 10/13/2010
Kaervek's Glory Paradox Lost 10/10/2010
denial absorbentthree 9/29/2010
Orim's Silence ppa0 9/24/2010
Tendrils James Peyton 2010 Star City $5k Legacy Open - Baltimore 5th-8th 9/20/2010
Isochron Scepter ianncunha 9/18/2010
Darkest Hour yox 9/8/2010
legacy thopter advice!!! aceofspades88 9/5/2010
Tendrils Bob Yu 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Denver 5th-8th 8/23/2010
Legacy kill combo b/w bdentj82 8/23/2010
Helm combo Agrrotactics 8/22/2010
Doomsday Michael Seubert 2010 German Legacy Championships 3rd-4th 8/22/2010
Legendary Control surtysurt 8/22/2010
Landstill John Knapp 2010 Legacy Championship 5th-8th 8/14/2010
the perfect storm Comacozy34 8/7/2010
Hellion Doll Chipsinabox 8/7/2010
sell list VorpalAuroch 8/5/2010
Doomsday Drummer2point0 8/4/2010
ANT2 royemunson 8/4/2010
Lock nicolboolas 8/4/2010
ANT royemunson 8/2/2010
Tendrils Bryant Cook 2010 GP Columbus 5th-8th 8/2/2010
Winnie Force Kongres47 8/2/2010
Total Lockdown bitexe 7/30/2010
TES Jsmith77 7/29/2010
Enlightened Tutor Control Landstar 7/20/2010
Mind Over Matter Combo Landstar 7/13/2010
Countertop Stick dauthidark 7/13/2010
The Mighty Quinn Jsmith77 6/10/2010
Turbo Stasis revved up! xicarde 5/30/2010
Not enough minerals kaw 5/25/2010
Culling Tendrils kayvee 5/25/2010
W/U Control th3ninjasnwman 5/16/2010
Annoying Time Waster austinka83 5/10/2010
Prototype 1.5 (control) xicarde 5/5/2010
Platinum Fortune ottosmagic13 5/4/2010
Mono W - 1 Life Win xiller09 4/23/2010
Land Lockdown Z-id-ane 4/20/2010
T-ground Meddling Mage 4/17/2010
SpiteHellion Chipsinabox 4/15/2010

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