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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 101 - 150 of 1409 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Golgari +1/+1 Counters Oblivious 8/20/2020
Nylea, Keen-Eyed EDH Deck Booster Therapy 8/18/2020
Zaxara the X spells indy 7/31/2020
Brian - Gargos Hydras APaL- 7/31/2020
Zaxara's Hydras tokyodrifloon 7/26/2020
Tatyova deck BranBrill82 7/7/2020
X Astra 3M 7/6/2020
Atraxa Proliferate Deegee 7/1/2020
Muldrotha, the Gravetide by B clack 6/24/2020
Zaxara - X’s Phyre Obliterator 6/23/2020
X Astra 3M 6/20/2020
Grumgully's Back Alley Shenanigans The Mana Confluence 6/19/2020
Infinte Mana Emperor Capybara 5/30/2020
Zaxara Hydra Tribal Jayslay444 5/20/2020
Zaxara, the Exemplary Delpheki1323123 5/19/2020
Tooth and Nail Piglet1337 5/18/2020
teddy hydra max91023 5/17/2020
hydrateddy max91023 5/17/2020
Mono-Green Ramp Piglet1337 5/16/2020
Kruphix Commander JayPlazma 5/13/2020
Hail Hydra! Noremac 5/2/2020
Solve for X - Zaxara X Spells Chase Carroll 5/1/2020
Ghalta meets hydras meets Eldrazi EDH jlet 4/17/2020
Kresh the Bloodbraided AKrumbach 4/13/2020
Song of the Time Lords Vilok Rothvlak 4/11/2020
Chulane Hydra LazerfaceEZ 3/28/2020
The Second Labor SlickGenius45 3/18/2020
Mono Green Aggro Soul Sun 3/11/2020
Vorinclex keenis707 2/19/2020
Hydra Vicious Dr.Jones 1/27/2020
Big Hydra BOIS big_oof 1/15/2020
mono green hydra vibes xxxeggroll40 1/14/2020
Xenagos, god of the party ChWatts333 1/13/2020
hydra EDH Amonkhet 12/9/2019
Shalai The Builder Bobnoxious 11/1/2019
Black Panther KiserSoze 10/25/2019
Gargos, Hydras Tribal | BATTLE OF THE BREWS Commander's Brew 9/27/2019
hydra tribal? keenis707 9/8/2019
Gargos Vicious Watcher EDH comfuzzled 9/3/2019
Mono Green (Ramp/Big Creatures) TheFakeWonderz 8/22/2019
Hail Hydra (Legacy Sultai Ramp Deck) golgariassassin666 8/14/2019
The Reason Vintage Sucks golgariassassin666 8/14/2019
The Reason Vintage Sucks golgariassassin666 8/14/2019
Shopping List BrokenPocketWatch 8/13/2019
Rainbow Planeswalkers JMRW2019 8/13/2019
The Hydra Who Consumed the World BrokenPocketWatch 8/12/2019
Nikya Creatures VorthosCommander 8/11/2019
zoo comander Yan 8/10/2019
Gargos, Take 2 Banana_Foster 8/8/2019
Gargos, Hydra Fighter Banana_Foster 8/1/2019

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