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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6551 - 6600 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
BUG EDH Uzzyoops 5/3/2017
Scapeshift Andrew Schneider SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Elves Jorge Santos SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Bant Eldrazi Andy Roop SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Abzan Company Kyle Huckaby SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Selesnya Company Kevin Page SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Selesnya Company Kevin Page SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 17th-32nd 5/2/2017
Elves Mahindra Bheodari SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 4/30/2017 5th-8th 5/2/2017
Death and Taxes STLCards MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/24-4/30 4/27/2017
Abzan Krondo9 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/24-4/30 4/27/2017
Kiki Chord arcto 4/25/2017
Abzan Griselpuff MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/24-4/30 4/25/2017
Elves v2 freeride 4/24/2017
Elves Dec 4/24/2017
EDH Derevi Awakening Jonjey 4/24/2017
Oloro Commander aidenpk 4/23/2017
G/W Hatebears JMaster0 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/22/2017
Abzan melancio MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/22/2017
Scapeshift El_Viejo MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/22/2017
R/G Breach erlendhegni MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/22/2017
RG Titanshift reinardg MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/20/2017
Elves misonikomi MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/20/2017
RG Titanshift atlantamagicatnight MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/17-4/23 4/20/2017
commander p dirkdirkus 4/19/2017
Four-Color Copy Cat lilianaofthevess MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/17/2017
Elves NoMorePunts MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/16/2017
modern cube 515 cube 1-2017 4/16/2017
4th Place - GNG Monthly Modern - Nathan Griffin Gamers N Geeks 4/16/2017
Naya Chord alkastik 4/15/2017
Abzan Edel MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/14/2017
Sultai Delirium kogamo MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/14/2017
Azusa Amulet Konsti MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/13/2017
RG Valakut Spanky_kc MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/13/2017
Punishing Abzan Micah Rabin SCG Classic Legacy - Worcester - 04/08/17 3rd-4th 4/12/2017
Scapeshift Evan Jendrasko SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 4/08/2017 9th-16th 4/12/2017
Abzan Neal Sacks SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 4/08/2017 9th-16th 4/12/2017
Scapeshift Cory Gorman SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 4/08/2017 1st 4/12/2017
Elves klupicki MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/10-4/16 4/12/2017
Zoombies cards to sell 4/12/2017
Abzan Reanimator ConsolasBecketts 4/12/2017
Elves Michael Strianese SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 17th-32nd 4/10/2017
Elves David Chau SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 17th-32nd 4/10/2017
Sultai Control Jim Davis SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 17th-32nd 4/10/2017
Chainer, Dementia Master FasMaledicte 4/10/2017
Titanshift mRichi MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/10/2017
GW Death and Taxes mika57 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/10/2017
Elves Andrew Jessup SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 04/09/17 5th-8th 4/10/2017
Bant Spirits GodWithAShotgun MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/9/2017
Elves Butakov MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/8/2017
Sultai jadoth MTGO Competitive Modern League: 4/03-4/09 4/8/2017

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