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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6701 - 6750 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Titanshift JogandoPelado MTGO Competitive Modern League: 2/20-2/26 2/22/2017
Elves VMania MTGO Competitive Modern League: 2/20-2/26 2/22/2017
Dark Dephts carlcory 2/21/2017
Abzan Elves Richard Neal 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Titanshift Jennifer Crotts 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Naya Breach-Titan Chantelle Campbell 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Titanshift Luke Klopchic 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
W/G Eldrazi Ivan Jen 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Elves Andrew Jessup SCG Baltimore Team Open Legacy 9th-16th 2/20/2017
R/G Breach Dylan Hand SCG Baltimore Team Open Modern 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Death's Shadow Jimmy Xu SCG Baltimore Team Open Modern 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Scapeshift Dan Musser SCG Baltimore Team Open Modern 5th-8th 2/20/2017
Abzan Elves Richard Neal Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Titanshift Jennifer Crott Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Naya-Breach Titan Chantelle Campbell Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Titanshift Luke Klopchics Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Bant Eldrazi Ivan Jen Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 17th-32nd 2/20/2017
Amulet Titan Bobby Fortanely Grand Prix Vancouver 2017 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Amulet Titan Bobby Fortanely 2017 Grand Prix Vancouver 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Elves Chris McCord SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 2/19/17 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Kiki Chord Jeff Hoogland SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 2/19/17 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Amulet Titan Edgar Magalhaes SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 2/19/17 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Kiki Chord Zach Ashton SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 2/19/17 5th-8th 2/20/2017
Titanshift Timothy Nolan Grand Prix Brisbane 2017 9th-16th 2/20/2017
Saskia EDH Matty J 2/19/2017
Child of Alara Lands Radiant 2/18/2017
Abzan Coco combo Cabooooose 2/16/2017
Ezuri Elves Tanner Cruse 2/16/2017
VALDEGRAY Journeymaster 2/12/2017
4 Color Panharmonicon Collected Company Utility thebrokenbishop 2/10/2017
Scapeshift Jason Rosignol SCG Regionals Modern - Acton - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/9/2017
Abzan Company Alex Ellis SCG Regionals Modern - Acton - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/9/2017
RG Through The Breach Chris Turnbull SCG Regionals Modern - Acton - 2/4/17 1st 2/9/2017
Lala 5 MrJasonACas 2/9/2017
lala 3 MrJasonACas 2/9/2017
CoCo Rally Streamhopper 2/9/2017
Meren Deckbuilds 2/8/2017
Ghave combo Mads 2/8/2017
Elves Chris Kallas SCG Regionals Modern - Gurnee - 2/4/17 2nd 2/7/2017
RG Through the Breach Kent Ketter SCG Regionals Modern - Columbus - 2/4/17 3rd-4th 2/7/2017
R/G Through the Breach Logan Hoberty SCG Regionals Modern - Columbus - 2/4/17 1st 2/7/2017
Elves Sam Clayton SCG Regionals Modern - Plano - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Elves Christopher Hohman SCG Regionals Modern - Lenexa - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Ivorytusk Fortress Peasant EDH Kilroy is Jace 2/7/2017
Abzan Company Aaron Lanzo SCG Regionals Modern - Duluth - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Elves Joshua Stevens SCG Regionals Modern - Catskill - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Abzan Company Jacob Bard SCG Regionals Modern - Catskill - 2/4/17 3rd-4th 2/7/2017
Elves John Macfadden SCG Regionals Modern - Raleigh - 2/4/17 3rd-4th 2/7/2017
Tiny Daxos the Returned Berthor 2/6/2017
EZURI DECK CMD PribaxD 2/4/2017

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