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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6751 - 6800 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
G/W Hate Bears Crixilis 2/4/2017
hhhhhh BlindAsDay 2/3/2017
Selvala Untapped BaM Bros 2/3/2017
Mono Green elves TheGuyWhoDoes 2/3/2017
This Is Meren GolgariJunkman 2/1/2017
Merzuri Bruce Richard 1/31/2017
Wahoo Robsmashh 1/31/2017
Elves J0hannes0n 1/30/2017
Legacy Budget 12 Post BoomBoomStormCloud 1/30/2017
Abzan Company Charles Leage SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 1/29/2017 5th-8th 1/30/2017
inf elf silica1 1/30/2017
Kaalia edh Parker1298 1/30/2017
test Kiro 1/29/2017
Cooking up a deckaroo Robsmashh 1/28/2017
Gruul Reclamation Hellio DW 1/25/2017
Breakfast on Doomsday 2.0 Violins 1/24/2017
Breakfast on Doomsday 2.0 Violins 1/24/2017
Bant Walkers Hangry 1/24/2017
R/G Breach Logan Hoberty SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 1/21/2017 9th-16th 1/23/2017
party god johnnymac1092 1/22/2017
Omnath, Locus of Rage BolasSeek 1/21/2017
Elf multi Axewalks 1/21/2017
Abzan Collected Company Cabooooose 1/18/2017
Elves adam warehime 1/16/2017
Cognivore Oath Lezzardh 1/16/2017
guided by nature Sousuke150 1/16/2017
Animar Shadow Person 1/13/2017
Modern Elves arcto 1/12/2017
Blanka Ultra Budget Tiny Leader MedinTv 1/10/2017
Amulet Titan arcto 1/8/2017
Momir Vig, Simic A**hole 2 titan 222 1/8/2017
Elves yougottoldfarb MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0) 1/6/2017
Saskia smashy TheGuyWhoDoes 1/4/2017
Atraxa EDH kingaklubs 1/4/2017
marath edh 2.0 Rifed1deadman 1/4/2017
yisan edh Parker1298 1/3/2017
Hate Seed Tokens! JGM 1/1/2017
Sultai budget Kyyrao Bayendel 12/31/2016
Elves kingaklubs 12/30/2016
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant EDH ReqRep 12/28/2016
U/G Battlefield Drops Marc-Dragonclaw 12/28/2016
4 color tokens dakotah cotton 12/28/2016
Xenagos, god of revels Parker1298 12/27/2016
Elves Andrew Jessup 2016 SCG Players Championship - Legacy 5th-8th 12/23/2016
Elves Liam Lonergan 2016 SCG Players Championship - Legacy 9th-16th 12/23/2016
Aluren Jeff Hoogland 2016 SCG Players Championship - Legacy 5th-8th 12/23/2016
Marath edh=) Rifed1deadman 12/22/2016
Simic Partner raziellok7 12/21/2016
Nylea, God of the Hunt Mig 12/21/2016
Angel Chord Steve Rubin 12/20/2016

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