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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7251 - 7300 of 9858 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elves iNCuBuS 8/26/2015
Evolutionary Elves function21 8/25/2015
UG Heroic All-In Conley Woods 8/25/2015
UG Heroic Company Conley Woods 8/25/2015
Elves Brendan Hagan 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 8/24 5th-8th 8/24/2015
Abzan Rally Nicholas Charland 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Charlotte - 8/23 1st 8/24/2015
abzan mythics medleymr 8/23/2015
RG Xentarka angelus391 8/23/2015
Budget Elves Limitedmoon06 8/21/2015
Elves combo borsthorsti 8/20/2015
BG Elves RowdyRogers 8/19/2015
Anafenza Aggro WriterofWrong 8/19/2015
Elves Leigh Pushard MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 8/15/15 5th-8th 8/19/2015
Karador edh d3@th 8/18/2015
Marchesa EDH Pacal 8/18/2015
Anafenza d3@th 8/18/2015
Jarad bkado 8/18/2015
Abzan Bellower Conley Woods 8/18/2015
GR Devotion Andrew Quinn 2015 Grand Prix London - 8/15 9th-16th 8/17/2015
GR Devotion Bartlomie Lewandowski 2015 Grand Prix London - 8/15 9th-16th 8/17/2015
Athreos Tax bkado 8/17/2015
GR Devotion Gerry Thompson 2015 Grand Prix San Diego - 8/8 9th-16th 8/16/2015
demonic pact ThunderFang 8/15/2015
Naya Midrange Craig Wescoe Pro Tour Magic Origins 8/14/2015
Elves grave idelton 8/14/2015
Ertai Corrupted Budget Teknofobia 8/14/2015
Abzan Delve William Wingler 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington, DC - 8/9 3rd-4th 8/13/2015
Abzan Constellation Kenneth Barron 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington, DC - 8/9 5th-8th 8/13/2015
Abzan Rally Nick Patnode 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington, DC - 8/9 5th-8th 8/13/2015
GR Devotion Seth Eggenburg 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington, DC - 8/9 9th-16th 8/13/2015
GR Devotion Lyle Bumbaugh 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington, DC - 8/9 9th-16th 8/13/2015
The Rock Bloodsfury 8/13/2015
Turns for Daze Ali Aintrazi 8/11/2015
Sultai Strength Conley Woods 8/11/2015
GW Collected Company Kenneth Leikam TCGplayer Open 5K Salt Lake City, UT - 8/8/2015 5th-8th 8/10/2015
RG Midrange Noah Gomez TCGplayer Open 5K Salt Lake City, UT - 8/8/2015 3rd-4th 8/10/2015
Abzan Rally Justin Slone TCGplayer Open 5K Salt Lake City, UT - 8/8/2015 1st 8/10/2015
BUGellower angelus391 8/10/2015
GR Devotion Caleb Durward TCGplayer Open 5K Madison, WI - 8/8/2015 9th-16th 8/10/2015
Abzan Rally Dustin Forman TCGplayer Open 5K Madison, WI - 8/8/2015 9th-16th 8/10/2015
GR Devotion Will Hochman TCGplayer Open 5K Madison, WI - 8/8/2015 1st 8/10/2015
BG Demonic Pact Michael Flores 8/10/2015
BG Demonic Pact Antonio Del Moral Leon Pro Tour Magic Origins 8/10/2015
Karrthus EDH d3@th 8/8/2015
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf Avery625 8/8/2015
Sidisi Whip witiko 8/7/2015
Druids Green Shinro 8/7/2015
prophetic shamans 2.0 cateran 8/7/2015
Momir Vig EDH Wrenblood 8/6/2015
Abzan Rally Pierre Dagen Pro Tour Magic Origins 8/6/2015

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