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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1451 - 1500 of 6337 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Kaalia EDH Bluemage2 6/10/2014
Kiki Pod Calvodeck MTGO Modern Premier - 7120327 - 5/24/14 9th-16th 6/9/2014
5 color keeper IAMABYSS 6/9/2014
modern Destiny justincredibl* 6/9/2014
JhoiraGhitu_v2 Bluemage2 6/8/2014
Jarad's Jungle Hunting4Witchz 6/4/2014
Trostani Tokens ArkonTT 6/3/2014
Mayael the Anima TimMcLaren 6/3/2014
Rafiq wojtek1989 5/30/2014
Oona Fendisaoming 5/29/2014
Cruel Control TuSaisPas MTGO Modern Premier - 7095520 - 5/18/14 9th-16th 5/29/2014
Bant Tokens Tuxedo_Jackson 5/28/2014
Nekusar, the Mindrazer Malistre 5/27/2014
Kaalia's Revenge raziellok79 5/21/2014
Marchesa, the Black Rose Rocketman988 5/20/2014
Cruel Control TuSaisPas 5/20/2014
Diabolic Revelation MrTwist82 5/20/2014
Oloro reanimator KingHrothgar 5/15/2014
Prismatic dragons EDHv2 promnv 5/15/2014
Prossssssh majikal 5/14/2014
Nekusar aceanddeuce 5/14/2014
Animar Edh arcticfox2012 5/13/2014
5 color control bedo54 5/12/2014
Mimeoplasm alucardou 5/11/2014
Ephara Flash erotaku12493 5/8/2014
Hexproof MurfMaster 5/7/2014
Storrrrmmmmmmm amp811 5/7/2014
Mind Slash MrTwist82 5/7/2014
Legacy list JGannon 5/3/2014
Sliver Me Timbers lifeisgood765 5/1/2014
Golgari Midrange 6argamel MTGO Modern Premier - 7008975 - 4/21/14 9th-16th 4/29/2014
The Pantheon Xingact 4/28/2014
Warclamped Rowan 4/25/2014
Angus, Viking Jesus Atrum1 4/23/2014
vela, the night-clad agentz33 4/22/2014
Jund Aggro Picklock 4/19/2014
Karona EDH Drauren 4/19/2014
Snakess agentz33 4/17/2014
frank's back orange242424 4/17/2014
Marath, Will of the Wild Ller 4/17/2014
Your Average Karador slayerx1779 4/15/2014
Saffi Reanimator EroticCrum 4/12/2014
Karador FFA TYBG 4/11/2014
Paradox Haze panface 4/10/2014
Maelstrom Wanderer Nekron 4/6/2014
Enchantress EDH Baldwin 4/4/2014
Obzedat's Oppression Hunting4Witchz 4/4/2014
Cromatron Cervantes3 4/4/2014
Oracle MusicKing69 4/3/2014
EDH - Damia 1.0 AntoniooAmaral 4/1/2014

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