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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 927 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
WG Slide sty2000 6/10/2004
Orion's White Weenie Deck orionstein 6/5/2004
BW Control Chris Wagner 6/2/2004
Iron Incubator Shawn Forney 5/31/2004
Level Fate thehivemind 5/22/2004
Astral Slide Ben Gitkind 5/17/2004
Tooth & Nail skillmaster 5/17/2004
March Jason Patterson 2004 Regionals: Canada Central 3rd-4th 5/16/2004
Invulerable Everything Lazarus aldarin 5/16/2004
WR Iso-Parfait 7thsonofa7thson 5/8/2004
Colossal Staff RaynicChaos 5/8/2004
Mono White Control Avery Callenback 2004 Regoionals: Southern California 5/6/2004
MWC Jonah Nagashima 2004 Regionals: Hawaii 2nd 5/6/2004
W/g Control Seth Burn 5/5/2004
Proteus Belcher: Urzatron cetiken 5/2/2004
T2- uw control JohnKolos 4/30/2004
U/W Aggro Control Kevin O'Connor 4/26/2004
G/W Control Seth Burn 4/26/2004
Lynx guran 4/26/2004
Muma Astral (Astral Slide) Ariel Poblete 2004 Regionals: Santiago Chile 5th-8th 4/25/2004
R/W Control Slide Eduardo Soto 2004 Regionals: Santiago Chile 5th-8th 4/25/2004
Uñas y Loss (R/G Urzatron Hugo (Loss) Contreras 2004 Regionals: Santiago Chile 5th-8th 4/25/2004
Mono-White Control Phil Smith 4/25/2004
Astral Slide version 3 Phil Smith 4/25/2004
Mwc Alonso99 4/24/2004
mono white control joecool1 4/20/2004
Parfait Standard Anthony Lozzi 4/20/2004
Lfe Gain utra_kamahl 4/19/2004
GW Tooth and Nail Control Magic_Lady 4/18/2004
uwcontrol ch_fe 4/16/2004
Mono-White Control Shawn Houtsinger 4/15/2004
U/W Control Gerardo Garcia Lozano 2004 Regionals: Guadalajara, Mexico 3rd-4th 4/14/2004
Mono W Control Victor Garcia Lozano 2004 Regionals: Guadalajara, Mexico 3rd-4th 4/14/2004
Tooth and Nail Anthony Bucchioni 4/13/2004
Astral Slide Revised Phil Smith 4/13/2004
MWbC slythero 4/13/2004
Tooth and Obliterate Ebony Skene 4/12/2004
Bouncing Processor Son_Pato 4/10/2004
GW jwethman 4/9/2004
Astral Slide Andres Vazquez 2004 Regionals: Mexico City 2nd 4/8/2004
W/R SLIDE Mastamind 4/5/2004
RW Astral Slide Tom Whiting 4/1/2004
ToothandNailAtron Tom Whiting 4/1/2004
RG Urzatron Ramon EME Gómez 2004 Regionals: Santiago, Chile 5th-8th 4/1/2004
Inevitability 1.5 Anthony Bucchioni 4/1/2004
U/W 2.0 Peter Wiggin 4/1/2004
Soldiers forever Duschinator 4/1/2004
RW Slideless Control Magic Player 3/30/2004
RG twelvepost r2zou 3/29/2004
GW Twenty Urza bvictor 3/29/2004

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