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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 551 - 588 of 588 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
MUC gleancrawler 11/8/2005
2005 Champs - 1st Place Kazuya Iwata 2005 Champs Tottori 1st 11/7/2005
UW Control Andres Miguel 2005 Champs Pittsburgh, PA 5th-8th 10/22/2005
Accelerated Fat Peter Sjostedt 2005 Champs Fairmont, WV 3rd-4th 10/22/2005
UB Control okiller 10/13/2005
Mono-Blue Control Josh Ravitz 9/18/2005
U/G Control teferi dreams 9/4/2005
Monoblue Control Matthew Schmaltz 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Calgary, Alberta 3rd-4th 8/28/2005
Blue-green Control Peter Sjostedt 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Charleston, West Virginia 2nd 8/28/2005
Three-Color Godo Dave Fitzgerald 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Columbus, Ohio 3rd-4th 8/27/2005
Monoblue Control Tim Valdez 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Mountain View, California 5th-8th 8/20/2005
Jushi Control Neil Reeves 2005 Nationals Baltimore, MD 2nd 8/14/2005
Monoblue Control The Great Yi Cheng TAIWAN 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Montreal, Quebec 2nd 8/14/2005
Monoblue Control Toshiharu Take 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Sanjou, Japan 5th-8th 8/13/2005
Monoblue Control Takahiro Suzuki 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Yokohama, Japan 2nd 8/13/2005
Blue-gren Control Joe Lossett 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Los Angeles Area, California 5th-8th 8/6/2005
Green-blue Control Marlon Avila 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Mexico City, Mexico 5th-8th 8/6/2005
Monoblue Control Peter Opolka 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Lugoff, South Carolina 1st 8/6/2005
Blue-green Control Alan Hubbard 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Lugoff, South Carolina 5th-8th 8/6/2005
BlueTooth Raphael Levy 2005 Nationals Provence, France 5th-8th 7/31/2005
Blue-green Control Joe Lossett 2005 PTQ Los Angeles San Diego, California 3rd-4th 7/30/2005
Monoblue Control Shawn Houston 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Witchita, Kansas 5th-8th 7/30/2005
Blue-green Control Barry Smith 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Witchita, Kansas 5th-8th 7/30/2005
Three-Color Control Robert Moore 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Witchita, Kansas 5th-8th 7/30/2005
Yaso Control Ryouma Shiozu 2005 Grand Prix Niigata, Japan 7/24/2005
G/U Agtrol (T2) kvasir.gsm 7/16/2005
G/U Agtrol kvasir.gsm 7/16/2005
Gifts Ungiven Matt Sperling 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Los Angeles Area, California 1st 7/16/2005
Dark Heartbeat Mobius Man 7/11/2005
Blue-white Kite Control Brian Kelly 2005 PTQ Los Angeles High Point, North Carolina 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Legendary Heartbeat John Penick 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Springfield, Missouri 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Bascas Control blind_chimp 7/5/2005
TwinTooth amoignis 7/3/2005
traitor legends allage_rj 6/26/2005
Mono Blue Control never drafted 6/19/2005
stand vial (post rot) golgy 6/14/2005
UUUUUUUUUUU Ruizi 6/11/2005
Name that card sthouder 5/12/2005

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