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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1451 - 1500 of 1626 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Temur Beats FernanFSU 10/4/2014
Jeskai Control Slayer131 10/4/2014
Mardu Control himora21 10/4/2014
Bacon Midrange antonchan621 10/4/2014
Jeskai Burn Hajile 10/4/2014
Jeskai Tempo MEta dongo 10/4/2014
Rid(dl)e the Lightning lithiux 10/4/2014
G/R Stompy OCPrime 10/4/2014
Temur Midrange arendal 10/4/2014
RGB dirtypeter 10/3/2014
MRD Surfkatt 10/3/2014
Takin Turns bigchuck 10/3/2014
Temur Monsters moose102 10/3/2014
Narset Control William Jensen 10/2/2014
jund midrange mazynga 10/2/2014
Planeswalker Queen gatherto 10/2/2014
Mardu Midrage 2 mgvmmv 10/2/2014
Boros Control doverlax46 10/2/2014
Mardu Midrage mgvmmv 10/2/2014
Jeskai Burn Anthony Desangeles MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 5th-8th 10/2/2014
Mardu Superfriends Blake Hurdle MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 5th-8th 10/2/2014
RW Midrange Tristan Blowe MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 5th-8th 10/2/2014
GR Devotion Ryan Slone MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 3rd-4th 10/2/2014
GR Devotion Greg Lauro MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 2nd 10/2/2014
Mardu Superfriends Bayani Manansala MaxPoint Platinum - Next Gen Games - 9/28/14 1st 10/2/2014
UR Control John Miller MaxPoint Gold - Gamers Gambit - 9/27/14 5th-8th 10/2/2014
RG Midrange Joe Jasso MaxPoint Silver - Myth Adventures - 9/27/14 3rd-4th 10/2/2014
Monored Midrange Antonio Gabriel Villeda MaxPoint Silver - Myth Adventures - 9/27/14 3rd-4th 10/2/2014
GR Devotion Gilbert Davila MaxPoint Silver - Myth Adventures - 9/27/14 2nd 10/2/2014
Temur Superfriends Frank Lepore 10/2/2014
Temur Midrange Frank Lepore 10/2/2014
5C Narset Fun Hotguana 10/2/2014
Jeskai Tempo Dragons_Quest 10/1/2014
Naya friends2 gbnubcake 10/1/2014
Temur Midrange kj4cjr 10/1/2014
Frontier Midag Drakoshaman 10/1/2014
Mardu Control snip3r19 10/1/2014
temur monsterwalkers Prockhimself 10/1/2014
Temur Tempo michaelapollo 10/1/2014
Mono-red Scion MrZizzles 10/1/2014
Grixis AceEffect 9/30/2014
naya walkers daredfenomeno 9/30/2014
R/w Devotion slatorade 9/30/2014
Naya Planeswalkers bachwiz18 9/30/2014
RG Midrange Brian Brackett 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 3rd-4th 9/30/2014
GR Devotion Paul Morelli 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 3rd-4th 9/30/2014
Naya Superfriends Justin Crandall 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 5th-8th 9/30/2014
Jund Midrange Jordan Kennedy 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 5th-8th 9/30/2014
Naya Superfriends Kyle Nisswandt 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 9/30/2014
Temur Superfriends Andrew Mayer 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 9/30/2014

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