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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 7077 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
The Aristocrats smh MTGO Standard Premier - 5832066 - 8/18/13 3rd-4th 8/19/2013
Boros Humans dubz1337 MTGO Standard Premier - 5832045 - 8/18/13 5th-8th 8/19/2013
Red Deck Wins ShowTime_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5832045 - 8/18/13 3rd-4th 8/19/2013
American Midrange michaelsfxc MTGO Standard Premier - 5832018 - 8/17/13 5th-8th 8/19/2013
Red Deck Wins maverickkp MTGO Standard Premier - 5831999 - 8/17/13 5th-8th 8/19/2013
Red Deck Wins baragalla MTGO Standard Premier - 5831999 - 8/17/13 5th-8th 8/19/2013
BR Zombies Deekaay (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
BR Zombies TanTris80 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
Red Deck Wins maverickkp (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
Red Deck Wins _megafone_ (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
Gruul Aggro ability170146 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
American Midrange mrgreed (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/19/2013
Rakdos (jund flavor) aalistor 8/19/2013
Naya Aggro eightBrix^ 8/19/2013
RDW Standard Izak616 8/18/2013
BR d Alcontrol 8/18/2013
Naya Slivers Fanaticwes 8/18/2013
RedDeck chekovz6339 8/18/2013
Ruw Sokits 8/18/2013
RG Burning Growth Opticum 8/17/2013
RDW Kiname 8/16/2013
controlled damaged R-CoMiX 8/16/2013
Boros Humans Nate Blauvelt Standard Bronze TCQ - Saugus, CA - 8/10/13 5th-8th 8/16/2013
Gruul Aggro Josh Sellers Standard Bronze TCQ - Saugus, CA - 8/10/13 2nd 8/16/2013
Big Red Nick Neill Standard Bronze TCQ - Saugus, CA - 8/10/13 1st 8/16/2013
delvermancer standard sinnerster 8/16/2013
Gruul Midrange Asada_Tetsuya (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/16/2013
Gruul Aggro Drunken (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/12/13 8/16/2013
Red Deck Wins DIbarros22 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/16/2013
American Midrange Cirosasa (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/16/2013
BR Zombies Deekaay (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/16/2013
Red Deck Wins onetonbunny (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/16/2013
Gruul Aggro mrgreed (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/16/2013
R/G Aggro shadowbob19 8/16/2013
FNM (2013/08/15) - 1st DemonicSei 8/15/2013
tokens magicben1210 8/15/2013
Red Recur HissingCookie 8/15/2013
BWR Tokens ash_202457 8/15/2013
Boros-y Things impact36inc 8/15/2013
BWR Tokens Frank Lepore 8/15/2013
Boros Humans earfcraf MTGO Standard Premier - 5798523 - 8/11/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
Naya Humans Jilesoftrees MTGO Standard Premier - 5798523 - 8/11/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
Red Deck Wins Perfection MTGO Standard Premier - 5798523 - 8/11/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
Gruul Aggro Wangjun_cn MTGO Standard Premier - 5798523 - 8/11/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
Red Deck Wins _megafone_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5798523 - 8/11/13 1st 8/15/2013
Red Deck Wins _Caverna_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5798507 - 8/11/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
Red Deck Wins 3TZIS MTGO Standard Premier - 5798481 - 8/10/13 2nd 8/15/2013
American Midrange RealCo MTGO Standard Premier - 5798464 - 8/10/13 5th-8th 8/15/2013
American Midrange Icefyre49 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/15/2013
American Midrange solufa (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/5/13 8/15/2013

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