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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 551 - 600 of 710 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
My Deck meor104 8/24/2008
Red Revenge Frank Karsten 2008 Dutch Nationals 3rd-4th 8/18/2008
Swan Burn Tom van Lamoen 2008 Dutch Nationals 1st 8/18/2008
Red Revenge Victor van den Broek 2008 Dutch Nationals 5th-8th 8/18/2008
Red Revenge Danny de Rooij 2008 Dutch Nationals 5th-8th 8/18/2008
Red Revenge Ioannis Kyriazis 2008 UK Nationals 3rd-4th 8/18/2008
shock til you drop TheEarlyBird 8/8/2008
R/B aggro burn taylorrep302 8/8/2008
Red Revenge Taylor Webb 2008 US Nationals Day 1 8/4/2008
Red Revenge Michael Jacob 2008 US Nationals 1st 8/4/2008
Red Revenge Steven Wolfman 2008 CA Nationals 2nd 8/4/2008
r/g ramps right one cheapdeckbuilder 7/24/2008
G/R Ramp Codyxcore 7/18/2008
GR Ramp Ivan Taroshi Fox GP Buenos Aires 5th-8th 6/30/2008
Snow covered swans balthar316 6/29/2008
r/g ramp jesmart 6/24/2008
RG Ramp Todd Davis 2008 Regionals Taylor, MI 5th-8th 6/10/2008
RG Ramp James Wheeler 2008 Regionals Columbus, OH 5th-8th 6/10/2008
Silver elrey1980 6/10/2008
RG Ramp James Orr 2008 Regionals Columbus, OH 1st 6/9/2008
red burn pampanga 6/2/2008
RGW Ramp robsalot1 6/2/2008
Red Midrange defensordelafe 5/27/2008
RG uwgeric 5/26/2008
Stuffy! Bloodredrevolt 5/26/2008
RG Ramp Marijn Lybaert 2008 PT Hollywood 5th-8th 5/26/2008
WRu Blink Control JaniGreen 5/19/2008
The coldsnap IronGun21 5/16/2008
Mana Ramp third_place 5/13/2008
The Quick and The Dead Powersquid 5/9/2008
RG Mana Ramp wolverine11 5/8/2008
Red deck wins kraftman4242 5/6/2008
The Phoenix Deck jayrider81 5/5/2008
MBC atakusai 5/1/2008
STD - Ponza ? fromthelab 5/1/2008
G/r/w Mana ramp sbod1101 4/30/2008
Shadowmoor R/G Mana Ramp ed124 4/29/2008
RDW-SHM seig 4/29/2008
Gruul Elf Warriors SnoopDom 4/27/2008
R/G Manaramp jayrider81 4/26/2008
RDWrecks AMVmaker22 4/23/2008
Rgbu Manneramp v88 4/17/2008
RG Ramp Soldier666 4/14/2008
The BRiG Praxx 4/4/2008
rampimosity crovaxcurse 3/23/2008
skred/stuffy -Xaos- 3/21/2008
RG Big Mana MLG_Psycho 3/12/2008
mono wred control gaiathebanished 3/9/2008
Elf Commons anglachel 3/4/2008
Skred Blue alkemizt 3/3/2008

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