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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2801 - 2850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Grixis Death's Shadow flamedragons2 MTGO Modern Challenge 5/13/18 2nd 5/14/2018
Miracles SteFaNoGs MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Czech Pile Patrunkenphat7 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Sultai Control flowerdayonyon MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Czech Pile Victorvdb MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Miracles Am Shaedan MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Esper Stoneblade reiderrabbit MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 05/12/18 5/13/2018
Kiki Control UBERMIKEYB MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Jeskai Control lllllllllllll MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Esper Control Antillectual MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
W/U Miracles Kerrick_ MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow JSantiago MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
U/R Madcap Experiment sqeeswy_pl MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
W/U Control mudholekrew MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Bring to Light Scapeshift demondevon MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Grixis Control TGR MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/11/18 5/12/2018
Jeskai Blink Anthony9903X 5/11/2018
Four-Color Control Swagohod MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Four-Color Control astrozombee MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Four-Color Control Gul_Dukat MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Miracles ballestin93 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Miracles Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 9th-16th 5/10/2018
Miracles TonyMontana MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 9th-16th 5/10/2018
Four-Color Control ruckus-mh MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/7/2018 5th-8th 5/10/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow IBIO MTGO Modern Challenge 05/05/18 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Jeskai Control GINGERMONSTER MTGO Modern Challenge 05/05/18 17th-32nd 5/10/2018
Grixis Pyromancer Tigas MTGO Modern Challenge 05/05/18 3rd-4th 5/10/2018
W/U Control Ivc MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/10/2018
Grixis BWG MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Jeskai Pyromancer Pawlar MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Jeskai Control Zarutha MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Grixis Death's shadow monkie MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Mono-Blue Tron Jokersrwild MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Karn Bant Swords ConsolasBecketts 5/9/2018
Temur Kiki-Jiki BReal2 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Grixis Control huneybadger101 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
U/R Turns Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/08/18 5/9/2018
Miracles Brian Coval SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 05/06/2018 1st 5/8/2018
Miracles Luke Purcell SCG Baltimore Team Open - Legacy - 05/06/18 9th-16th 5/8/2018
Miracles Jonahan Blank SCG Baltimore Team Open - Legacy - 05/06/18 9th-16th 5/8/2018
Miracles Sam Lawrence SCG Baltimore Team Open - Legacy - 05/06/18 3rd-4th 5/8/2018
Jeskai Control Oscar Pachasa SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 05/06/2018 9th-16th 5/7/2018
Jeskai Control Justin LaRocque SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 05/06/2018 9th-16th 5/7/2018
Grixis Control Raffi Melanson SCG Baltimore Team Open - Modern - 05/06/18 9th-16th 5/7/2018
Jeskai Control Benjamin Nikolich SCG Baltimore Team Open - Modern - 05/06/18 9th-16th 5/7/2018
W/U Control Andrew Davis SCG Baltimore Team Open - Modern - 05/06/18 5th-8th 5/7/2018
Jeskai Control Kazu Negri SCG Baltimore Team Open - Modern - 05/06/18 5th-8th 5/7/2018
W/U Control Noah Andrew SCG Baltimore Team Open - Modern - 05/06/18 3rd-4th 5/7/2018
Talrand EDH DeGen 5/7/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow SoulStrong Modern MOCS - 05/06/18 17th-32nd 5/7/2018

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