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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4801 - 4850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Grixis Delver Jim Davis 2016 SCG Players Championship - Modern 9th-16th 12/20/2016
Grixis Delver Brad Carpenter 2016 SCG Players Championship - Modern 9th-16th 12/20/2016
Grixis Delver Kevin Jones 2016 SCG Players Championship - Modern 5th-8th 12/20/2016
Memnarch Control Arvedin 12/19/2016
Blue Moon Prison flankmecaptains 12/15/2016
Grixis Delver Seth Manfield 12/15/2016
All walls TheGuyWhoDoes 12/14/2016
U/G Turns Thomas Beith 12/14/2016
Wish List Dec 2016 Karate Pawn 12/14/2016
Grixas delver sammy sliver 2 12/13/2016
Grixis control makniffen 12/12/2016
BTL Scapeshift Jay 12/12/2016
Thrax Rifed1deadman 12/11/2016
Grixis Delver MTG Con Los Codos 12/10/2016
Azami EDH Mr. Carter 12/8/2016
Grixis Delver Kevin Jones SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 12/03/2016 9th-16th 12/5/2016
Jeskai Flash Steve Wilson SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 12/03/2016 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
Grixis Delver Adam Snook SCG Invitational Modern - Atlanta - 12/2/16 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
Grixis Delver Jim Davis SCG Invitational Modern - Atlanta - 12/2/16 3rd-4th 12/5/2016
4-Color Delver Daniel Bowery 12/5/2016
Legacy Stiflenought BoomBoomStormCloud 12/3/2016
Madcap Skrue Moon Kabootle 12/2/2016
bug teachings Robsmashh 12/2/2016
Miracles Yohei Ogawa 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Miracles Ryuuga Saitou 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Miracles Valentin Mackl 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Grixis Delver Koki Kageyama 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Miracles Tatsuumi Kobayashi 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
4 Color Delver Takashi Sakuramoto 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Miracles Joe Christopher Losset 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
4 Color Delver Ben Friedman 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Madcap Moon Corbin Hosler 11/28/2016
Miracles Kouchi Miyabe 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 5th-8th 11/28/2016
Miracles Shigeki Takano 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 17th-32nd 11/28/2016
Miracles Makihito Mihara 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 17th-32nd 11/28/2016
Miracles Nobuo Saitou 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 17th-32nd 11/28/2016
Esper Stoneblade Yoshiteru Hosaka 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 9th-16th 11/28/2016
Miracles Xiao Han 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 9th-16th 11/28/2016
U/R Delver Takumi Matuura 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 9th-16th 11/28/2016
Miracles Yuuya Watanabe 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 3rd-4th 11/28/2016
Miracles Atsuki Kihara 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 2nd 11/28/2016
con has 11/27 asdf 11/27/2016
Swans BoomBoomStormCloud 11/24/2016
scapeshift BoomBoomStormCloud 11/23/2016
UR Battle Rage Levi Basham SCG Classic Modern - Knoxville - 11/19/16 9th-16th 11/22/2016
Miracles Jacob Hagen SCG Classic Legacy - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/21/2016
Miracles Todd Anderson SCG Classic Legacy - Knoxville - 11/19/16 3rd-4th 11/21/2016
Mono Blue Delver Landon1424 11/16/2016
4 Color Delver Frank Skarren SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 11/12/16 1st 11/15/2016
Jeskai Aggro TK 11/14/2016

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