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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 601 - 650 of 4243 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sidisi Commander JaSimm 1/31/2019
Emmara, Soul of the Accord cdpace 1/17/2019
Affinity Neil Lockwood SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 01/13/2019 5th-8th 1/14/2019
Affinity Brandon Pierson SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 01/13/2019 9th-16th 1/14/2019
Affinity Isaac Vermillion SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Columbus - 01/07/19 5th-8th 1/7/2019
Experimental Affinity Samwise_GeeGee MTGO Competitive Modern League: 01/04/2019 1/5/2019
Artificer's Thievery (Memnarch) Magyar 1/1/2019
Affinity Bucknasty691989 MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 12/12/2018 12/13/2018
Experimental Affinity NAMELESSYU MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/11/2018 12/13/2018
Affinity mikev1919 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 12/4/2018 12/6/2018
lol yep 12/3/2018
yep yep 12/3/2018
Affinity James Hirt SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 12/02/2018 9th-16th 12/3/2018
Affinity Ryan Gassaway SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 12/02/2018 9th-16th 12/3/2018
Affinity Blinkmoth-Nexus MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 11/28/2018 11/29/2018
Affinity mikev1919 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 11/27/2018 11/29/2018
artifact blast budget Timoteii 11/28/2018
Emmara Budget axe2grind7095 11/28/2018
Emmara, Soul of the Accord axe2grind7095 11/26/2018
Affinity twinlesstwin MTGO Competitive Modern League: 11/23/2018 11/26/2018
Afinity hashbrowned 11/25/2018
Affinity CrazyIrishman MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 11/21/2018 11/23/2018
my current sissy deck Mr.Nightplays 11/10/2018
Affinity Mathonical MTGO Pauper Challenge - 11/04/2018 17th-32nd 11/8/2018
Affinity angelsjeffrey MTGO Modern Challenge 11/4/2018 17th-32nd 11/4/2018
Budget Lantern Evan Bailey Cthulhu 11/2/2018
Affinity Sandahl123 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 10/30/2018 10/31/2018
Affinity Mathonical MTGO pauper challenge - 10/30/2018 9th-16th 10/30/2018
Affinity Ryan Gassaway SCG Classic Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/18 9th-16th 10/29/2018
Affinity Carvs MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/24/2018 10/25/2018
Jeskai Tokens macromicro MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/24/2018 10/25/2018
Affinity uspdudes MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/24/2018 10/25/2018
Afinity Budget steadylynx 10/24/2018
Affinity Carvs MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/17/2018 10/18/2018
Affinity BenJones MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/14/2018 17th-32nd 10/18/2018
Affinity Sanchez5272 MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/14/2018 9th-16th 10/17/2018
Affinity SelmerMarkVI MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/10/18 10/11/2018
Affinity _Takeno_ MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/7/2018 17th-32nd 10/9/2018
Affinity Phill_Hellmuth MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/7/2018 9th-16th 10/9/2018
Affinity JaguarXJ MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/7/2018 3rd-4th 10/9/2018
Emmara, Soul of the Accord 2 Aurel 10/8/2018
Emmara, Soul of the Accord Aurel 10/7/2018
Jeskai Tokens Th0rnside MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/03/18 10/4/2018
Affinity Eduardo-Bianchi MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/03/18 10/4/2018
Jeskai Tokens alicodendrochit MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/1/2018 17th-32nd 10/3/2018
Affinity Phill_Hellmuth MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/1/2018 17th-32nd 10/3/2018
Affinity pokerswizard MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/1/2018 9th-16th 10/3/2018
Affinity doveeree MTGO Competitive Modern League: 09/25/2018 9/26/2018
Affinity Sleepy_Jean MTGO Pauper Challenge - 09/23/18 17th-32nd 9/26/2018
Affinity PTarts2win MTGO Pauper Challenge - 09/23/18 17th-32nd 9/26/2018

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