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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 510 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Izzet Junk B20Sandman 5/6/2014
5C Reanimator Malapropism (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/21/14 5/5/2014
Izzet Tempo Darkshine 5/1/2014
JTN Event Deck Tristamicus 4/30/2014
Blast of the Infinite Skullker 4/29/2014
Nivix Counterburn Spoonsire 4/27/2014
Malek Anderak 4/22/2014
UR Tempo monster1596 4/21/2014
American Control pelli MTGO Modern Premier - 6950564 - 4/5/14 5th-8th 4/20/2014
EDH Cube jp523 4/19/2014
spellhearts spark kushd 4/7/2014
Jhoira's Suspenders Obsydian 4/3/2014
U/R Tempo hayagriva 4/2/2014
Some stuff and things ToelessWonder 3/30/2014
4C Control Kryde 3/29/2014
Zedru basic lands Agentwise 3/27/2014
Nekusar WriterofWrong 3/27/2014
dederfe lirek154 3/13/2014
Cheapskate Izzet Floatwall 3/5/2014
Sedris, The Traitor King NecroPen 3/4/2014
For Sale Mcderv 3/2/2014
red/blue braven02 3/1/2014
izzet for the win! sinnerster 2/28/2014
Grixis Control darkestdawn 2/25/2014
Jeleva's Wizard Council sk8erbob 2/23/2014
blue red braven02 2/16/2014
r/u spellz g8rmwr 2/14/2014
Blast Mathias129 2/10/2014
Nin, the Pain Artist EDH mazerin 2/7/2014
Cube first draft caboose249 2/5/2014
mizzet emptynor 2/4/2014
Melek Test Tidal 2/4/2014
nekusar firebear 2/3/2014
American Dragon rilkaith 2/1/2014
Redshock davee669 2/1/2014
American Control feralo20 MTGO Modern Premier - 6592291 - 1/11/14 9th-16th 1/28/2014
grixis firebear 1/28/2014
Izzet League bleisle 1/22/2014
RUG Midrange opeth2013 1/21/2014
Sedris EDH Kyon Dark 1/21/2014
Izzet Control Dicewraith 1/20/2014
RUW control Hooza 1/16/2014
AuctionLot PKTechGirl 1/14/2014
RWU control Hooza 1/14/2014
Turbo Fog TacoMaster 1/14/2014
Ur control Slammy 1/13/2014
Izzixs Aggro -Swill- 1/12/2014
The Deck - Sliver Queenv2 999123 1/10/2014
Maze's End kylemcdonald 1/3/2014
maze end Emmanuel87 1/2/2014

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