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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1951 - 1997 of 1997 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Rabble Red Brian Madden MaxPoint Gold - Phyrexian Games - 8/16/14 5th-8th 8/21/2014
Rabble Red Wes Delong MaxPoint Platinum - Pandemonium - 8/9/14 5th-8th 8/21/2014
Boros Burn Max McVety MaxPoint Platinum - Pandemonium - 8/9/14 2nd 8/21/2014
Goblins - 2015 Sporter2 8/21/2014
mizzet scissor chandler1 8/20/2014
American Control arkfella1 8/20/2014
Goblins Uccido 8/19/2014
Boros Burn Alex Stok 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 5th-8th 8/19/2014
Boros Burn Arjan van Leeuwen 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Rabble Red Eric English 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 2nd 8/19/2014
Rabble Red Adam Bruce 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 3rd-4th 8/19/2014
Boros Burn Michael Feng 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Boros Burn James Wilson 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Rabble Red Armel Primot 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 5th-8th 8/19/2014
Boros burn Les.Classic 8/16/2014
RW Tokens Craig Wescoe 8/15/2014
Boros Soldiers Uccido 8/13/2014
Red Deck Wins Mini_Gnarls (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/28/14 8/10/2014
Rabble Red YokiDragon 8/9/2014
Rakdos Burn Sporter2 8/9/2014
Boros Burn William Yowell 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 8/2 5th-8th 8/8/2014
Boros Burn Jorden McEldowney 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 8/2 9th-16th 8/8/2014
Rabble Red Raphael Levy Pro Tour Magic 2015 8/7/2014
Cube Jubokko 8/6/2014
Rabble Red Melissa DeTora Pro Tour Magic 2015 8/6/2014
UR Sporter2 8/4/2014
Boros Burn Matt Sperling Pro Tour Magic 2015 5th-8th 8/4/2014
Ur - blasty boom angelus391 8/2/2014
IZZETo ne more try chandler1 7/31/2014
Boros Burn Steve Tuchek MaxPoint Platinum - Alter Reality Games - 7/27/14 2nd 7/31/2014
Boros Burn James Strehl MaxPoint Platinum - Pandemonium - 7/19/14 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Boros Aggro Matt Carstensen TCGplayer Open 5K Seattle, WA - 7/26/14 2nd 7/29/2014
red blitz medleymr 7/28/2014
Rakdos Slivers Sporter2 7/28/2014
Izzet Reckoner Bomb Guardian_2000 7/28/2014
Boss sligh agent.artifice 7/24/2014
UR Ensoul moorez1 7/23/2014
Boros Burn Eric Johnson 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/19 7/23/2014
Boros Burn Patrick Hansen 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/19 9th-16th 7/22/2014
RUG Pyromancer Andou Kyouhei 7/22/2014
Draft deck is silly minorfffanatic 7/21/2014
UR Slivers Sporter2 7/20/2014
2015 Gobos Sporter2 7/18/2014
UR Electro Alrick 7/16/2014
Boros Burn CrimsonLiege 7/12/2014
Boros Burn FernanFSU 7/12/2014
Counter/Burn Nadrian 5/4/2014

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