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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3201 - 3250 of 3925 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
gb blackflame43 10/4/2014
Junk Midrange TacoMaster 10/3/2014
Abzan Superfriends LightningXIII 10/3/2014
its called JUNK! o4NDYo 10/3/2014
Golgari Devotion Seraph777 10/3/2014
sultai dredge sir coleridge 10/3/2014
GB Devotion Jon Corpora 10/3/2014
Dredge alitabitiliterit 10/3/2014
Sultai Control alitabitiliterit 10/3/2014
jund midrange mazynga 10/2/2014
Junk Superfriends (KTK) Hollowing 10/2/2014
Tasigur Control FreeloaderMC 10/2/2014
Ghave Planeswalkers FreeloaderMC 10/2/2014
Sultai Control Victor Roldan MaxPoint Gold - Gamers Gambit - 9/27/14 5th-8th 10/2/2014
Abzan Midrange Josh Giambra MaxPoint Gold - Gamers Gambit - 9/27/14 2nd 10/2/2014
Abzan Midrange Erik Pin MaxPoint Gold - Gamers Gambit - 9/27/14 1st 10/2/2014
Sultai Dredge Merced Salinas MaxPoint Silver - Myth Adventures - 9/27/14 1st 10/2/2014
BUG Control swells61 10/2/2014
Abzan Control RyanClair2011 10/1/2014
Junk/Abzan Midrange MtgJared 10/1/2014
Junk Aggro chartman55 10/1/2014
abzan rean Bathtub 9/30/2014
Bug Sphinx Terzian 9/30/2014
Sultai Deathdealer v2 Surfkatt 9/30/2014
Abzan Reanimator Samuel Valentine 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 1st 9/30/2014
Abzan Midrange William Comminos 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 2nd 9/30/2014
GB Enchantress 2 Mangoblaster85 9/30/2014
Jund Midrange Jordan Kennedy 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 5th-8th 9/30/2014
Abzan Midrange Jacob Eckert 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 9/30/2014
Abzan Constellation Michael Antrim 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 9/30/2014
Abzan Reanimator Robert Graves 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
Abzan Superfriends John Shaw 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
Abzan Midrange Gaby Spartz 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
A wealth of power Surfkatt 9/30/2014
Sultai Midrange ToelessWonder 9/29/2014
GB Devotion Ross Merriam 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 3rd-4th 9/29/2014
Sultai Dredge Brad Nelson 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9th-16th 9/29/2014
Abzan Midrange Daniel Mckelvey 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9th-16th 9/29/2014
Abzan Midrange David Beaudrie 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Jund Midrange Tom Strong 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Abzan Midrange Brian Braun-Duin 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Jund Superfriends Christopher Wong 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Abzan Midrange Tim Guy 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Abzan Reanimator Drew Lafrate TCGplayer Open 5K Waco, TX - 9/27/2014 9th-16th 9/29/2014
GB Devotion Justin Betts TCGplayer Open 5K Waco, TX - 9/27/2014 5th-8th 9/29/2014
Abzan Reanimator Karttik Patel TCGplayer Open 5K Waco, TX - 9/27/2014 3rd-4th 9/29/2014
abzan midrange bassplayer534 9/29/2014
BG dredge SALOmandra 9/29/2014
Jund Midrange Epicphatkid 9/29/2014
Abzan Midrange cade34 9/29/2014

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