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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5701 - 5750 of 8657 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Janky Junk korsin 6/30/2013
Golgari Ultraspector 6/29/2013
Future Sharuum glasshorse018 6/27/2013
blue gimmicks marsp44 6/27/2013
Melek Jank rpsportscards 6/27/2013
Bant Manland Control magicben1210 6/25/2013
Sharuum the Hegemon EDH glasshorse018 6/23/2013
Mono U Tron 2 supitsloki 6/23/2013
Simic search venser09 6/21/2013
LandStorm(Legacy) joeymeyer 6/21/2013
collection.03 Prism 6/19/2013
Venser iLiScode3 6/19/2013
Monoblue Tron conorlol (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/10/13 6/18/2013
Monoblue Tron Majestyk1136 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/10/13 6/18/2013
BUG Self-Mill quadsolo 6/18/2013
Arcum Dagsson Uril 6/17/2013
Monoblue Tron shoktroopa MTGO Modern Premier - 6/10/13 3rd-4th 6/17/2013
Cromat Commander jldestruct 6/17/2013
UR Tron manboyeatme 6/16/2013
Golgari Falco221 6/15/2013
Phage 1 JabbaTheFunk 6/15/2013
Land Storm joeymeyer 6/13/2013
Golgari Growth xabe 6/12/2013
Artifactual SORCelement 6/12/2013
Melek's experiment Blazer 6/11/2013
Monoblue Tron shoktroopa MTGO Modern Premier - 6/3/13 5th-8th 6/11/2013
Blue Tron AngelisIronMan 6/11/2013
BG Zombies Jecomom 6/10/2013
blackinity mzillar 6/10/2013
Bosh em up tastycakes 6/8/2013
Sharuum EDH jdcoplnd 6/8/2013
Golgari Elves d0mega 6/8/2013
U Tron Laserbeast 6/6/2013
mono blue tron dukeboy36 6/5/2013
Hanna, EDH. Beecker 6/5/2013
Budget fun fatpanda505 6/4/2013
BUG DrussMind 6/3/2013
Monoblue Tron cdiegor MTGO Modern Premier - 5/27/13 5th-8th 6/3/2013
Control - Dominate Willizard 6/3/2013
Tron bertschtree3 6/2/2013
Monoblue Tron JoseAngel991 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/20/13 5/31/2013
Lightning Storm AbstractLife 5/30/2013
Monoblue Tron shoktroopa MTGO Modern Premier - 5/20/13 3rd-4th 5/29/2013
thrumming enigma ifeedgremlins 5/28/2013
Mono U Tron bertschtree3 5/28/2013
budget slobad o4NDYo 5/28/2013
Forza'sEquipment Artifact RaCailum 5/28/2013
GruulGari Despojo 5/26/2013
blue deck wins Timmah5000 5/25/2013
Artifacts! Werty892 5/25/2013

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