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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 751 - 800 of 1240 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jenara lewi0027 9/15/2011
Team America Nikita Andreev 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/11 9th-16th 9/12/2011
EDH Rafiq LuckyLoser 9/11/2011
Hex Blade golden tear 9/4/2011
Blue/Green mysoleisblack 8/27/2011
Next Level Bant JRDameonHv (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 2739342 - 8/25/11 8/25/2011
Riku RestlessHero 8/24/2011
Ooze Combo Metahater 8/23/2011
Animaniacs Hercules Mode 8/17/2011
mormir jordanalessi 8/16/2011
Bant Kurtis Droge TCGplayer 75k Championship - Modern 2k - 8/14/11 3rd-4th 8/16/2011
Damia Graveyard WuZiching 8/14/2011
BUG Tempo Modern mysoleisblack 8/14/2011
draw jordanalessi 8/14/2011
good stuff jordanalessi 8/14/2011
5 color control blademast329 8/13/2011
Modern RUG fireblade1357 8/12/2011
Modren bant ltz 8/12/2011
Modern Bant ilFramba 8/12/2011
Modern U/G Control Aoxa 8/10/2011
BUG-Modern mysoleisblack 8/10/2011
Swampy things Slayer one3 8/9/2011
experimental counters randoman12 8/9/2011
Riku of Two Reflections RestlessHero 8/9/2011
NO RUG Mark Sun 2011 Legacy Championship - 8/6 5th-8th 8/9/2011
Bant Blade RickCottentree 8/8/2011
BUG Fish Joseph Bogaard 2011 Vintage Championship - 8/5 5th-8th 8/8/2011
Gush Control Paul Mastriano 2011 Vintage Championship - 8/5 3rd-4th 8/8/2011
Gush Control Stephen Menendian 2011 Vintage Championship - 8/5 2nd 8/8/2011
Rafiq Please comment!!! jamn240sxrc 8/7/2011
Bant Stoneblade Adrionus 8/6/2011
vedonegro zometa 8/6/2011
The Simic Gimick kamiquazi 8/3/2011
Mimeo-mill arquistar 8/2/2011
Why am I so massive? CML 7/29/2011
Clueless freyalize 7/29/2011
momir vig thedarkside 7/28/2011
Damiaplasm Helios 7/27/2011
Edric, Spymaster of Trest MaesterLaka 7/26/2011
NO RUG Sean Ryan 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Seattle - 7/26 2nd 7/25/2011
BUG Landstill mysoleisblack 7/25/2011
BUG Stiflenought mysoleisblack 7/25/2011
EDH Momir Vig Hallowed1 7/24/2011
Test Adola 7/23/2011
Mirror Mastery whiteshadw 7/23/2011
commander deck RUG animalsteele 7/21/2011
Simic Evolution (CB) dawg262 7/19/2011
UGB Loam Control goldsmith 7/16/2011
jacerator control professor 7/14/2011
Chaos Commander chaos098765432 7/13/2011

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