another shot at the modern format bug list now that we know what is banned. i think rube snag is better than mana leak for the most part. the removal package needs tweaking. the sideboard is basically options that i think will be good in the list. kitchen finks may also be a consideration. i think the life loss might be hard to deal with from confidant, shocklands, fetches, and dismember. it has to seal its advantage in the first few turns or it will kill you from my experience with bug tempo in legacy. ponder might be better to set up draws for confidant than preordain because to set the draw with preordain you have to scry both to the top and not be attacked by a goblin guide on your opponents turn. depending on the popularcreatures in the format, im considering
go for the throat, doom blade, last gasp, smother, grasp of darkness, geths verdict. into the roil could be ok but i think cryptic command has it covered.