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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 801 - 850 of 4747 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
mayael Dragosi 6/27/2014
Grix Blink orange242424 6/25/2014
12 Post John Kassari 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Las Vegas - 6/22 9th-16th 6/24/2014
Ambassador Laquatus EDH dragonmaster22 6/23/2014
Selvala the Explorer Red Zepyr 6/20/2014
RG Tron S1lv3rf0x MTGO Modern Premier - 7190481 - 6/16/14 9th-16th 6/20/2014
RG Tron __FAB__ MTGO Modern Premier - 7167084 - 6/7/14 3rd-4th 6/17/2014
G/R Tron jordanc86 6/17/2014
Progenitus EDH bmdepouw 6/14/2014
modern science fireblade1357 6/14/2014
RG Tron EugeneB MTGO Modern Premier - 7143337 - 5/31/14 9th-16th 6/13/2014
MonoG 12post riledeez 6/13/2014
RG Tron Draysor (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/26/14 6/12/2014
Mono Green Ramp thenessthrow 6/10/2014
kopzilek swazeyyy 6/9/2014
RG Tron Pettingzoo (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/26/14 6/9/2014
Kruphix Control HandheldToast 6/9/2014
JhoiraGhitu_v2 Bluemage2 6/8/2014
Elves and Friends spectrevr4 6/7/2014
EDH Lazav Polymorph josephtgorman 6/4/2014
RG Tron Draysor (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 6/3/2014
R/G Tron barnetsox 6/3/2014
Azusa jp523 5/26/2014
ff paulprez 5/25/2014
stupid Jhnbytwoo 5/22/2014
Tron kwelts 5/21/2014
Eldrazi warlockadnv5 5/9/2014
BR Tron darkdudewas 5/9/2014
Lol luanfrota 5/6/2014
RG Tron kriegvogels MTGO Modern Premier - 7035621 - 4/26/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
RG Tron Guy Duparcq Bazaar of Moxen - Modern Main Event 5/3/14 5th-8th 5/6/2014
Thassa Good Stuff NoelVermillion 5/3/2014
12 Post Clinton Whitehurst 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 4/13 9th-16th 5/1/2014
Eldrazi Defender Ramp luanfrota 5/1/2014
WG Defender luanfrota 4/30/2014
Defender Combo Pladim 4/30/2014
Woot Control Lorwynkid 4/30/2014
RG Tron duparcqG MTGO Modern Premier - 7008975 - 4/21/14 5th-8th 4/29/2014
Scapeshift CrayZ MTGO Modern Premier - 7008898 - 4/19/14 9th-16th 4/29/2014
Monogreen Tron Draysor MTGO Modern Premier - 7008898 - 4/19/14 5th-8th 4/29/2014
Progenitus-EDH nrazor97 4/28/2014
WG Eldrazi luanfrota 4/27/2014
defender ramp luanfrota 4/27/2014
slow bad garbled trinkets psilonyx 4/25/2014
Cube as of 3-24-14 Shoney31 4/24/2014
Cube Proxy Shoney31 4/24/2014
Scapeshift CrayZ (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/14/14 4/24/2014
RG Tron Falkoneye (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/7/14 4/24/2014
Monogreen Tron Daniel Brusilovsky MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 4/19/14 5th-8th 4/23/2014
Monogreen Tron ChoManno MTGO Modern Premier - 6950590 - 4/5/14 9th-16th 4/21/2014

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