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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7951 - 8000 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
loam Stian 1/13/2014
Teaching Control jayauriemma01 1/12/2014
Discard pyrhaa 1/12/2014
Weirddddd swagon 1/10/2014
Unburial Gifts DerrickJones (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/30/13 1/10/2014
Oloro Arifact Batro 1/9/2014
Esper Pox eladramari 1/8/2014
GB Pox Valleyman 1/8/2014
Jund Depths arendal 1/8/2014
Skittles cenderone 1/7/2014
Void Vampires Ninjay 1/7/2014
Pox Rock eladramari 1/7/2014
MBC jayauriemma01 1/7/2014
Junk Depths NRGBlast 1/6/2014
Jund Depths NRGBlast 1/6/2014
Obliterator Devotion (Bug theboozecube 1/6/2014
Jund Depths Kennen Haas 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 1/5 1st 1/6/2014
Junk Depths Tony Wong 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 1/5 5th-8th 1/6/2014
Jund Depths twistednic 1/6/2014
Pox mandalor 1/6/2014
jund lands chaseace9 1/5/2014
Olivia's Offensive Hunting4Witchz 1/5/2014
Jeleva, Infinite Scourge HandheldToast 1/5/2014
Teneb Roc darkcloud06 1/4/2014
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic Ophichius 1/3/2014
Teneb Zaiyu 1/2/2014
Gifts cyberc0re 1/1/2014
Gifts Loam tiejaz 1/1/2014
Obliterator Devotion -Bgr theboozecube 12/31/2013
Mono Black Wickid 12/31/2013
Zur stsung 12/30/2013
Options mahatma_29 12/29/2013
CobraPox eladramari 12/29/2013
UB Tezzeret feline 12/29/2013
Pox feline 12/29/2013
Mono Black EDH blaine1johnson 12/28/2013
Savra LunaticCitanul 12/27/2013
Jeleva for funzies Cactusmeat 12/26/2013
Junk Aggro RandomDrooler (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/16/13 12/26/2013
Black-Red Devotion SilverGold 12/25/2013
Sheoldred Terror akahaji 12/25/2013
bg towndrunk 12/24/2013
Gravecall sassa 12/22/2013
Duke Pox Mcra 12/20/2013
tokens everywhere LordIvel 12/20/2013
Karador booshmeister 12/20/2013
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic ED TheDUZZmaN 12/19/2013
GBw Pox eladramari 12/18/2013
Price check/suggestions ggetha 12/17/2013
Jarad Fling KingHrothgar 12/16/2013

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