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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6501 - 6550 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jund RushRunner 7/22/2016
Gifts Rock Tyler Blum WMCQ Canada 5th-8th 7/21/2016
Karador Graveyard FreeloaderMC 7/21/2016
Abzan Company jordanc86 7/20/2016
Abzan Raphael Levy 7/20/2016
Aggro Jund laineithman 7/20/2016
Aristrocrats Craig Wescoe 7/19/2016
Elf Toolbox Hammer_Koth 7/19/2016
Gitgud cmhhss1 7/17/2016
Oloro Control iantheaardvark 7/17/2016
Gw Tokens Barley 7/17/2016
BUG control Dandtheswang 7/14/2016
Abzan COCO Serhio666 7/13/2016
Four-Color Midrange nekoyama MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Jund BURGERKINGRULES MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Living End RogeDeckWins MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Death's Shadow Crywolf102190 MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Scapeshift MarysPrayer MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Infect Sohlucky MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Abzan IdTapThat88 MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Elves Seth Manfield 7/13/2016
Golgari hate bears RileyOIrish 7/12/2016
Abzan Blink Craig Wescoe 7/12/2016
Jund Noah Andrew 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 7/10 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Shardless Sultai Robert Wright 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Lands Neeraj Shukla 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Punishing Jund Chris Dirico 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Lands Matthew Dilks 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Elves Thomas Ellis 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Shardless Sultai Charles Pugh 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
Punishing Abzan Rudy Briksza 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Reanimator Jonathan Morawski 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 5th-8th 7/11/2016
Infect Todd Stevens 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 5th-8th 7/11/2016
Lands Kevin King 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 2nd 7/11/2016
Jund AncestralLotus 7/9/2016
OCotrol TeamRocketWolf 7/9/2016
Sultai Seasons laineithman 7/5/2016
Russian Jund GPT AlexeySemka 7/2/2016
Legacy Jund evantide 7/1/2016
JUND Serhio666 6/29/2016
Jund Arian Moshrefi 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Jund Robert Wright 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Jund Kyle Skelton 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Abzan Kale Orrmons 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Jund Christopher Juliano 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Jund Jase Phillips 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Jund Samuel Friedman 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Abzan Company Jacob Baugh 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 5th-8th 6/28/2016
Jund Jared Tow 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 3rd-4th 6/28/2016
Infect Andrew Jessup 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 2nd 6/28/2016

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