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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4901 - 4950 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
budgetish midrange Martin Bror 2/3/2018
Abzan aleale1981 2/3/2018
Sultai Delver Alvas MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/3/2018
Jund Sacrifice {EDH} SithDragon33 2/2/2018
Aggro Loam Stackz MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
Turbo Depths himurayuu MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
Sultai Leovold Janchu88 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
W/B Stoneblade ewlandon MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
Sultai Leovold Janchu88 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
Turbo Depths CaseyC MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 2/2/2018
EDH Edgar Markov ncstc 2/1/2018
Lands Adam Falls SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 5th-8th 1/30/2018
Sultai Delver Robert Grasmender SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 5th-8th 1/30/2018
Food Chain Nick Cummings SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 5th-8th 1/30/2018
Czech Pile NicolBolas77 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 1/30/2018
Aluren Gosaku MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 1/30/2018
Turbo Depths Genericcactus MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/29 - 2/4 1/30/2018
Lands Daniel Barkon SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/18 17th-32nd 1/30/2018
Sultai Delver David Fontaine SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/18 9th-16th 1/30/2018
Turbo Depths William Lo SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 1/28/18 1st 1/30/2018
B/G Midrange Dan Tracy SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 9th-16th 1/29/2018
B/G Midrange Todd Stevens SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 9th-16th 1/29/2018
R/G Madcap Moon Michael Derczo SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 3rd-4th 1/29/2018
Turbo Depths CaseyC MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/29/2018
Czech Pile Shorak123 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/29/2018
B/G Midrange triosk MTGO Competitive Modern League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/29/2018
Scapeshift Beau Chatburn SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 9th-16th 1/29/2018
Scapeshift Gregory Chen SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 9th-16th 1/29/2018
Sultai Mig 1/28/2018
Elves testacular MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/27/2018
B/G Dark Depths CaseyC MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/27/2018
ModernSlivs WhiteTiger 1/26/2018
Agg Loam makniffen 1/26/2018
Mavericc makniffen 1/26/2018
JUND makniffen 1/26/2018
Infection Snake41S 1/26/2018
Traverse Death's Shadow Daniel Bowery 1/26/2018
Sultai Delver Malimujo MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Aggro Loam The_Gunslingers MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Aluren otaba MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Czech Pile Shorak123 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Sidar Kondo Silas Renn {EDH} SithDragon33 1/26/2018
Turbo Depths exS1N MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
W/B Stoneblade Magic-Michael MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Sultai JeffHoogland MTGO Competitive Modern League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
B/R Hollow One 1310HaZzZaRd MTGO Competitive Modern League: 1/22 - 1/28 1/26/2018
Karador D-Roc 1/25/2018
Olivia Voldaren MKII {EDH} SithDragon33 1/25/2018
Olivia Voldaren {EDH} SithDragon33 1/25/2018
Karametra Enchantress {EDH} SithDragon33 1/25/2018

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