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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 707 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elves! theplatypuskin 2/21/2013
Elves seifuku 2/9/2013
Omnath draw psilonyx 1/28/2013
Elf Wave E-Bozz 1/24/2013
priceme wtfftw 1/5/2013
Edric Tawnos 1/5/2013
Elf Warrior Casual fv Stazee 12/5/2012
Legacy Elves kilroyisjace 11/29/2012
green revenge TitanicTiger 11/28/2012
Savra EDH 2.0 TrickyDisco 11/20/2012
Test KingOfRoll 11/15/2012
danger room matti000 11/9/2012
budget ezuri abyssal 11/4/2012
Cube c Halloween 2012 Jasonoro 10/25/2012
Green Cube Sheepmage2000 10/20/2012
elfs nikosgi 10/16/2012
Green Stompy TheEvilCliff 10/13/2012
aggro dark_kloud 10/9/2012
Deck1047546 mantafloppy 9/14/2012
Sammy Jasonoro 9/13/2012
Aggro Elves Grayskies 8/21/2012
Fist Hulkamania 8/19/2012
Sammy II Jasonoro 8/15/2012
dgsbfzzbf Narcir 8/14/2012
MonoG dragon27 8/1/2012
Elves dragon27 8/1/2012
Death sister golden tear 7/30/2012
Das Cube Jasonoro 7/30/2012
Crystal Witness gtyjackets0003 7/24/2012
Elf Combo Christian McNay 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 7/15 7/16/2012
Elvish Groove firelordzero 7/15/2012
Ezuri Commander ehg08 7/14/2012
Sammy the Cube Jasonoro 7/6/2012
Kresh the Bloodbraided ibano0685 6/27/2012
Beast zerobit 6/15/2012
Elf Ramp azeroth 6/13/2012
Budget GU Self-Mill Aggro 212crow212 6/12/2012
Invincible Elves MrTelemag 5/19/2012
Cube Want List Psychojam 5/7/2012
Tolsimir Returns EDH PastProphet 5/1/2012
combo elves reed1000 4/30/2012
Ezuri LunaticCitanul 4/24/2012
Elfball Avvoltoio 4/19/2012
10 GLS Frd 4/17/2012
Hail to the King v2.0 Greg McCleery 4/17/2012
Hail to the King v1.0 Greg McCleery 4/17/2012
legacy elves anazncork1 4/14/2012
stompy sammy01230 4/2/2012
nath anazncork1 4/2/2012
Elf Combo Christopher Hall Legacy Bronze TCQ - Indianapolis, IN - 3/10/12 3rd-4th 3/21/2012

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