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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2601 - 2650 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
fire burns silica1 1/30/2017
Refusing to Play Commander Nickk 1/29/2017
Marchesa, the Black Rose syjN15 1/27/2017
Elf Tokens Demonix182 1/27/2017
Living End Seth Manfield 1/27/2017
Kaseto U/G Unblockable schlaackmusic 1/25/2017
Elves Aggro Hellio DW 1/24/2017
Bant Knightfall Steve Rubin 1/24/2017
Bant Knightfall Hyper 1/24/2017
Bant Knightfall Sturvedog January 2017 MOCS Playoff 2nd 1/23/2017
Trade list hi2ukindsir 1/22/2017
party god johnnymac1092 1/22/2017
Omnath, Locus of Rage BolasSeek 1/21/2017
guided by nature Sousuke150 1/16/2017
Those Funny Little People TooMuchTooSoon 1/9/2017
EDH Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Scott44544 1/8/2017
Red/Green Wolves Feradir 1/5/2017
Wolf Run Rock Tim 1/3/2017
Heroic Wolves Budget Marc-Dragonclaw 1/1/2017
Heroic Wolves Budget Marc-Dragonclaw 1/1/2017
G/R Wolves - Arlinn Kord Halfzipp 1/1/2017
G/R Wolves - Budget Halfzipp 1/1/2017
4 color tokens dakotah cotton 12/28/2016
Legacy werewolves Crizzle 12/27/2016
Reindeer Games gdeangel 12/19/2016
wolves v0.1 havefun2 12/15/2016
Uril, the Miststalker m14master 12/13/2016
urijl edh chwigga 12/10/2016
battle box BoomBoomStormCloud 12/9/2016
Mono Red Haste Longlegged_Legend 12/5/2016
Legacy Treasure Hunt BoomBoomStormCloud 12/2/2016
EDH - Captain Sisay iR8Roont 12/1/2016
modern mono gree devotion BoomBoomStormCloud 11/30/2016
Mono Red Aggro rottencav 11/28/2016
W/R Burning Angels Fodarr 11/23/2016
Bant Retreat Shawn Becker SCG Classic Modern - Knoxville - 11/19/16 9th-16th 11/22/2016
The Mimeopoison Luxking 11/21/2016
Mono green stompy Skylar 11/21/2016
Glorious Green White Weenie jrc3789 11/20/2016
Nie wiem co to, to po prostu istnieje... #Radom Amphare 11/19/2016
Derevi's Flock Millon 11/19/2016
Bant Knightfall Corbin Hosler 11/18/2016
Bant Knightfall MccGarthur 11/16/2016
Bant Company Corki 11/16/2016
Comm16 buylist Opal Krooke 11/14/2016
Budget: Ezuri UG Elves V1 Mewingloki 11/14/2016
Jund wre 11/13/2016
Thar Smashes DLove519 11/11/2016
Defiants Wolves DefiantSouls 11/10/2016
Battle Box ThatGuy 11/10/2016

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