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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2301 - 2350 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Infect bumblebee tuna 1/30/2018
Varolz dredge TheGuyWhpDoes12 1/26/2018
Karador D-Roc 1/25/2018
Sapling of Colfenor {EDH} SithDragon33 1/25/2018
Aggro Jund Serhio6666 1/24/2018
Yiris Temur {EDH} SithDragon33 1/23/2018
Infect {EDH} SithDragon33 1/23/2018
G/B Explore zayleak 1/22/2018
Meren Reanimator Totally A Spy 1/22/2018
Anafenza Aggro Millon 1/18/2018
Meren of Clan Nel Toth {EDH} SithDragon33 1/14/2018
golgari Tima 12/22/2017
Milkshake Lust 12/18/2017
Damia Madness EDH DrRuler34 12/15/2017
Current Flash Hulk Build buczfan 12/7/2017
Sporelings Dsleazy 12/4/2017
Super Friends reignbringer 12/4/2017
Prossh Tokens adamcordova 12/2/2017
Doran EHD Fun Skutters 12/1/2017
Darksteel Atraxa Hangry 12/1/2017
Trade Binder scc0014 11/30/2017
EDH Sidisi lljokeresll 11/17/2017
EDH Golgari lljokeresll 11/17/2017
Jarad, Golgari Rat Lord AlchemicTumor 11/16/2017
ENERGIZE!!! Taco Master 11/12/2017
Commander- Duel Tribal Challenge- Kermit the Horror Kenjutsu763 11/8/2017
Yidris Creatue Aggro Jayveestiln 11/7/2017
Karador sobras xD r4g3xp 11/3/2017
Gitrog Monster Budgetish darthsabinus 11/1/2017
heyyou Wizard Of The Boast 10/31/2017
Final cut Slither Wizard Of The Boast 10/25/2017
Return of the King Tragster 10/24/2017
Thad's cards bigmanlouie 10/22/2017
BUG Pod Samedi 10/20/2017
karador Captain Lettuce 10/17/2017
Dragon Tribal EDH KinnKin 10/16/2017
The Voice Fallen82Angel 10/13/2017
[$40] Pure Golgari (Modern) MCO64 10/13/2017
Prossh is hungry Babdcatha 10/11/2017
Sidisi Mig 10/10/2017
Damia Fun Times Happiness Hour Taco Master 10/9/2017
Treefolk EDH Syndra 10/9/2017
Sneaky Snake Wizard Of The Boast 10/9/2017
Meren Commander Devastator 10/4/2017
Collected Zombies (No Sideboard yet) Gillen 10/3/2017
Green Black Reanimator jvsowell 10/1/2017
Stone Death Pluvian 9/30/2017
Karrthus EDH xEpy0n 9/24/2017
karador Varsav Varsav 9/23/2017
Gitrog Mig 9/19/2017

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