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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 843 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Slam MudkipDJ 2/27/2018
Legend Tutoring (thanks to Milkyway4211) Bruce Richard 2/20/2018
Ffft Maxwellthyme 1/30/2018
Tishana Combo Commander Saero13 1/27/2018
Rishkar {EDH} SithDragon33 1/26/2018
Zacama, Primal Calamity Gabrz 1/19/2018
Let's go nuts! Filigree Fox 12/14/2017
Omnath, Locus of Elementals NeverGetTheSucc 11/10/2017
omnath more mana Dakyren 9/5/2017
Omnath EDH agrayibra 9/2/2017
Cats Tobimash 8/28/2017
The Cat's Meow NoirCroix 8/19/2017
Titania EDH BlazinT10 8/5/2017
Ezuri Budget 150 EDH carlos lecaros 7/18/2017
Titania, Protector of Argoth zachinthemox87 7/17/2017
OM-Rage noctis366 7/5/2017
League of Legends Yangoose 6/20/2017
Nissa Latifundiária IcyTaichou 5/18/2017
Riku, Who Pod's Them All CoolNerdGames 5/16/2017
Weenie tokens Panface231 5/15/2017
Captain Sisay lvong 5/8/2017
Sigarda EDH syntheticapriori 2/14/2017
Marath Test Emryst Starlord 12/14/2016
Phelddagrif Panface231 11/10/2016
yisan edh LeeInfy 11/7/2016
Experiment Kraj EDH Gilly 11/5/2016
Primal Selvala raziellok7 10/23/2016
Selvala And Friends raziellok7 10/1/2016
Captain Sisay katsuhiro 8/7/2016
Captain Sisay EDH dman712 7/3/2016
Ulrich Werewolves WriterofWrong 6/27/2016
Seshiro Snakes WriterofWrong 6/20/2016
SISAY SEAKER OF LEGENDS here4u2h8 6/14/2016
Infect Mads Sørensen 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016
Meren Stax/Reanimator nic44 4/28/2016
purple hippo group hug panface 4/26/2016
Sigarda's Angelic Humans WriterofWrong 4/25/2016
doran SORCelement 4/15/2016
Selvala And Friends raziellok79 4/8/2016
EDH Marath v1.1 to_arm 4/5/2016
Thrun Beat Down SORCelement 3/24/2016
Gitrog Monster EDH RoySilverblade 3/23/2016
The Gitrog Lands Schlabbes 3/23/2016
Meren Stax nic44 3/20/2016
Rhys Elf Tribal FreeloaderMC 3/12/2016
Yeva EDH semionic 1/14/2016
Meren Mid-Control WriterofWrong 11/18/2015
BENNIE SMITH'S TOP 50 KAM smithwizzle 11/10/2015
Rhys the Redeemed Tr11pod 10/25/2015
Surrak Flash Chromatone 10/16/2015

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