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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 951 - 1000 of 1092 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Dem Elves Eh? Averygates 7/14/2013
ermagoid blackout6969 7/14/2013
Bant Aura from Collection McClane 7/14/2013
Z Fetches NoL 7/14/2013
GWB Contagion Deck Darksteel9 7/14/2013
Grixis Wizards swagon 7/14/2013
Aggro Loam Cheap (More Ag mss1123 7/14/2013
Fire and Lightning Feldon 7/14/2013
Soul Sisters faustus 7/13/2013
Blue velvet Gecko888 7/13/2013
Hyper Taer 7/13/2013
BFG (bant flicker gun) mac9891 7/13/2013
super budget demon mac9891 7/13/2013
Black white carlantoine 7/13/2013
Who needs land Tr11pod 7/13/2013
UR Goblins DragonsDen 7/12/2013
landfall Legacy821 7/12/2013
Alternate Wolf Pack smithco33 7/12/2013
Budget Sliver Stazee 7/12/2013
Wolf Pack smithco33 7/12/2013
r/g not a deck Ponjo 7/12/2013
sliver why not harrisonwalter 7/12/2013
f Zirath 7/12/2013
UG storm Zealot004 7/12/2013
The Undying have a Purpos sd22522522 7/11/2013
Merfolk You Up sd22522522 7/11/2013
Fire burn soru 7/11/2013
Livewire infection soru 7/11/2013
Slivers Old N New ContradictMe 7/11/2013
GW human mtfmartiniano 7/11/2013
G/R Haste aaron22592 7/11/2013
Black Discard skanaras 7/11/2013
junk midrange salmon742 7/11/2013
Of the Realm MusicKing69 7/11/2013
cleric mtfmartiniano 7/11/2013
Old Friends and New EricTMoses 7/11/2013
R/B Dredge -spooky- 7/11/2013
Slimy Hedge EricTMoses 7/11/2013
BR Gutter Pyromancer AbyssKurare 7/11/2013
Punishing Jund taylormtg1993 7/11/2013
-Destroy Griselbrand bobymaiden 7/9/2013
Graveyard deathtrap rogenstein 7/8/2013
Aggro/Elf :D ZamoraX 7/5/2013
It Burns Some Tawnos 7/4/2013
Burn Gaudy 7/4/2013
White Life Green mtfmartiniano 6/26/2013
-Elves Be There bobymaiden 6/23/2013
Soldiers From Matane v1.0 bobymaiden 6/22/2013
Deathtouch B/G Cotheran 6/17/2013
No BUG taylormtg1993 6/13/2013

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