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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 761 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Undying Prechtig 1/14/2013
Eldrazzo elchs 1/13/2013
Angel Life Gain Muztnag 1/12/2013
Aggro Angels Muztnag 1/12/2013
Koth Land Destruction Alexandre 1/8/2013
Arachnophobia irishknight23 12/24/2012
Wolf Run Ramp ShadeSWG 12/23/2012
Beefy Goblin Beatdown qf856c 12/23/2012
Scinder Grimloch13 12/20/2012
Shards Barko85 12/18/2012
merfolk suprise promegabot 12/11/2012
Super Tokens bobby103 12/10/2012
monoelfscombopoi promegabot 12/10/2012
Exalted Aggro delerium1 12/8/2012
Mermen candyman4247 12/3/2012
RB Affinity candyman4247 11/28/2012
MonoMerf promegabot 11/27/2012
Modern Mill monkeyman8 11/27/2012
Landing foes (comment) Soquette 11/24/2012
Bloodlust Facelesskiller 11/23/2012
Mind Shatter Jaced 11/23/2012
Esper dudasat 11/22/2012
black winnie choi 11/20/2012
Holy Artifacts Dizzavy 11/17/2012
Mill deck Sir Narwhal 11/14/2012
Affinity modern low cost fabio92 11/8/2012
Blightsteel Rush strongwalker 11/2/2012
Life Gain winston7 11/1/2012
White Life Rafa3011 11/1/2012
Dawnfire Dawnflame 11/1/2012
Combo Elves toddulent 10/25/2012
Black Hole Sun bobby103 10/23/2012
Angel's power dewotto 10/21/2012
idkwid sthrottl 10/16/2012
I hate your library Stoned Spy 10/15/2012
Ajani's Deck RedSeptember01 10/14/2012
Casual Vampire's RedSeptember01 10/14/2012
Kindred's Vamps Kindred17 10/10/2012
Vampiro -1 Belli 10/9/2012
Goblins rjs81514 9/30/2012
Modern Artifacts RawrMcRawr 9/26/2012
Naya aggressive fabio92 9/25/2012
Boros Gambitxx 9/23/2012
Rack Control sly_wildchild 9/20/2012
Dragonstorm trakovar010 9/19/2012
Midrange Jund zoid1114 9/19/2012
Heavenly Fire DrtyWhytBoy 9/19/2012
Standard Delver JWagner 9/19/2012
Slumbering Counters daerokos 9/19/2012
celestial light dburnham 9/19/2012

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