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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 51 - 100 of 761 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Flash Metahater 9/19/2012
Insanity Metahater 9/18/2012
Aggro-Orzhov Deathsxgrip 9/18/2012
Token Rollover Underfaith 9/18/2012
U/B Zombies Underfaith 9/18/2012
RG Aggro filioo 9/18/2012
banti Templar-988 9/18/2012
Jev's Angels/Humans standardidiot 9/18/2012
merfolk peck614 9/17/2012
My Elf Giamme 9/17/2012
Whitems JunkRare 9/17/2012
Equipment Storm grayseeroly 9/17/2012
WB Lifegain FTclan 9/17/2012
Deceiver Control Kyle Judy 9/17/2012
Naya Pod (combos) bachwiz18 9/17/2012
Aggro Vial Proc Metahater 9/17/2012
Merfolk Incest SvenDybka 9/17/2012
4 Color Control ElSuperVillain 9/16/2012
RUG Delver ElSuperVillain 9/16/2012
Explosions in the Sky nivmizzet 9/16/2012
Modern Merfolk Gumfert 9/16/2012
Affinity WiredWeasel 9/16/2012
Naya Champion Volksjager06 9/16/2012
Modern Maverish Metahater 9/16/2012
Godhead and Friends mysteryking 9/15/2012
UW Fun Zeratul3 9/15/2012
su wu business hatchetryda 9/15/2012
JUNK AGGRO TheLee 9/15/2012
Sui Black in Modern Korlan9twelve 9/15/2012
Ink-Treader Nephilim IWannaBTractor 9/15/2012
Burninator Glamorous 9/15/2012
MODERN JUNK TheLee 9/15/2012
Battle Bots Dumbn 9/15/2012
Mono-Black Vampires 2.0 Sorlin 9/15/2012
RDW Plus1Reading 9/15/2012
UW visions of beyond rhoeas 9/15/2012
Crappy Vampire Deck esotericninja 9/14/2012
exalted derp dirtyjuice 9/14/2012
Mono-green Infect Barret317 9/13/2012
[MOD]Goblins k0zh4x 9/13/2012
RW Artifacts rdole42 9/13/2012
Selesnya modern singleton croeser 9/13/2012
Elves januswilder 9/13/2012
Melira Pod bachwiz18 9/13/2012
Heartless Summoning sheafresh 9/12/2012
Great Tokens of Virtue Dr4konn1s 9/12/2012
Jund lahuncle 9/12/2012
merfolk ur leggendalex98 9/12/2012
UWR Scepter Control ADO1000 9/12/2012
UW Angel Hyeda 9/11/2012

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